I have been enjoying the PvP zone from the day you implemented it.
I found it unfortunate you felt the need to destroy it after just 1 day by punishing a fair fight style in RP/h.
Nevertheless there has been a small group of solos prefering low RP/h over getting 8v1ed over and over in the frontier.
But denying low RRs advancement of their characters, at least close to the RP/hour they can do half afk zerging in the frontier, has inevitably led to the demise of the zone.
There was 0 Groups in the zone for 4 days in a row and the solos have been going down to now not being able to form 10 to even get into the zone.
I have been monitoring the RP/h at EU primetime (most active time) and i could never exceed 12k/h even when playing extremely successful, at my best and without a break (in the frontier i would be able to get to 25-30k/h in a comparable almost perfect hour of 1v1 1vx).
My Eld was averaging between 7 and 8k/h (RR8 and i guess i don't play it bad), my BM (RR7) between 7 and 10k/h and my NS(RR7) between 8 and 12k/h.
I have been checking the RP/h of some add style active low RRs in the zone, averaging around 5k/h or less - wich is about what you get for afk tasking...
To compare: On a average zerg day i can easily do 12-15k/h while playing at a low level of focus and afking a lot.
I feel like you have to make a decision, if you want to support solo and smallman groups seeking fair fights unpunished or not, for good.
Imo there is no reason in the world to deny us enjoying Phoenix as a server, just like those seeking other playstyles.
I think there is multiple solutions:
Option1) Give the solos back the first zone and only activate the ports into Delta.
Option2) Keep the Last Man Standing Zone and let everyone port into it whenever they like without Que.
Option3) Significantly reduce the players per Que and narrow the zone further.
And put back the normal RP/kill reward for everyone in the zone - due to the Que time the RP/h is far lower (for me less than half) than in the frontier, which is the main reason, why we do not see interested solos (especially low RR) coming back after trying for a day and seeing no sufficient advancement for their character to catch up with the high RRs.
I found it unfortunate you felt the need to destroy it after just 1 day by punishing a fair fight style in RP/h.
Nevertheless there has been a small group of solos prefering low RP/h over getting 8v1ed over and over in the frontier.
But denying low RRs advancement of their characters, at least close to the RP/hour they can do half afk zerging in the frontier, has inevitably led to the demise of the zone.
There was 0 Groups in the zone for 4 days in a row and the solos have been going down to now not being able to form 10 to even get into the zone.
I have been monitoring the RP/h at EU primetime (most active time) and i could never exceed 12k/h even when playing extremely successful, at my best and without a break (in the frontier i would be able to get to 25-30k/h in a comparable almost perfect hour of 1v1 1vx).
My Eld was averaging between 7 and 8k/h (RR8 and i guess i don't play it bad), my BM (RR7) between 7 and 10k/h and my NS(RR7) between 8 and 12k/h.
I have been checking the RP/h of some add style active low RRs in the zone, averaging around 5k/h or less - wich is about what you get for afk tasking...
To compare: On a average zerg day i can easily do 12-15k/h while playing at a low level of focus and afking a lot.
I feel like you have to make a decision, if you want to support solo and smallman groups seeking fair fights unpunished or not, for good.
Imo there is no reason in the world to deny us enjoying Phoenix as a server, just like those seeking other playstyles.
I think there is multiple solutions:
Option1) Give the solos back the first zone and only activate the ports into Delta.
Option2) Keep the Last Man Standing Zone and let everyone port into it whenever they like without Que.
Option3) Significantly reduce the players per Que and narrow the zone further.
And put back the normal RP/kill reward for everyone in the zone - due to the Que time the RP/h is far lower (for me less than half) than in the frontier, which is the main reason, why we do not see interested solos (especially low RR) coming back after trying for a day and seeing no sufficient advancement for their character to catch up with the high RRs.