Kaosfury wrote: ↑Sat 13 Oct 2018 2:48 AM
they have a server just the way you want it, its called ywain. too much crying about speed. L2P , sack up. rise above it, over come it, dont change this server because you dont like it, or cant hack it. i run without speed all the time, is it tough, yup, but real players figure it out, bad ones cry about something they cant do. i can clearly see what catagory most of you fall under.
less forum warriors, more get in game so i can stab your face.
sounds like you guys dont even play DAoC, any of this new to you? lol
good lord
I was just about to say this. What people are suggesting here is on Live and nothing is stopping players going to Live. Phoenix is a classic server, and for it to remain a classic server some base mechanics needs to be present.
Speed changes? Forget about it. Uthred has said that they will not do anything with speed in the game, they will not add horses, and the only speed available for other classes who doesn't have it is the hasteners that are in every realm keep, and every keep out in frontiers. Stop beating a dead horse folks, the argument is dead.
Let's break down the argument though, because then it's easier to see the pros and cons with speed changes for every realm. And before defias accuse me of only looking from a 8 man perspective I'll make sure I add for both smallman and 8man.
Their main speed class is minstrel. A very good support, a very good class in smallman groups both stealth and visible and is a formidable, if not the best solo class in the game. They have access to 204% speed, insta stun, insta dd, chain armor, stealth, and melee, so a real terror to play against. It can also charm pets up to red con which does a heck lot of damage and it's class RA is SoS which is one of the most difficult ability in the game to time correct. The 153 speed class in albion is theurg and sorc, a very good solo class, smallman class and a vital part of the 8 man. It deals a HECK lot more damage then the minstrel, and in a coordinated smallman or 8 man can straight up nuke the living (¤/& out of the target. If one would move the 204 speed to a sorc as well. Theurgs will not get the same benfit, because they are not primary damage dealers, they are considered supports on the same level that eldritch in hibernia is considered support. They perform dreadful in solo, are OK in smallmen and are a very nice addition in 8 man groups. Any 8 man group can ditch the minstrel and bring 2x body sorc, 1 mind sorc, 1 cabby, 1 theurg, 2 clerics and 1 anyclass to the party. They will have the largest damage output of any caster group in the game, they will have an open slot to bring anything they want to benefit the group, and their dps and CC will be unmatched. The damage will be top 1 from RR1 to RR14, as they scale heavily. Smallman can run both minstrel and sorcs for speed giving smallmen access to 1875 range mezz and 204 speed without bringing a minstrel. Sorcs will soar through the ROOF in terms of solo and smallmen because they can easily replace a minstrel in any situation forcing the minstrel to become a stealther support/dps exclusive or soloer. Nobody in their right mind would sub a minstrel over a sorc if a sorc was available. This is the situation you'll create. This is an imbalance that can't happen, especially when we have classes like paladins, friars and thanes who are performing frighteningly.
The skald is the 204 class, with access to single insta mezz, single insta snare, two dds, and 1h/2h weaponry on the same ws as warrior. They do a TON of damage, and is viable in both a mid caster and is vital in mid melee groups. There isn't much to say about them other then that they perform very good as solo, in smallmen and in 8man, and are probably my favo mid class. They do well in both caster and melee groups. They are considered damage dealers in tank trains, and are very good peelers in caster groups. Healer and runemaster are the 153% classes. Healers is redundant for speed, they are a group to smallman oriented class, heavy in CC and heals as well as utility and are vital to survive, it won't change (¤

& if you gave them 204%, but that doesn't mean they should get it. Runemasters are pbt and NS bots, they are a support or a damage class, and very good at it too. It's one of those classes you wonder why they get two chants and giving them 204% won't change much in the group variance as mid has the weakest caster group setup without access to warlocks (they do have the 1 man army BD though, I'll give them that) and skalds are not a bad addition to the group as peelers because of the backstyle snare, insta mezz and insta snare which is needed in caster groups. Their tank train won't change at all. Mid would not benefit or get hurt by changes to speed. It won't hurt smallman, it won't hurt group play, but it won't make it better for them either. But does that mean it would still be a good addition? I don't think so, I think it's one of those changes thats going to annoy more, because another realm got a huge benefit while nothing changed on their realm.
Bard is the 204% speed class, can't solo, heavy CC and off-heals for both smallman and groups. They are one of the hardest classes to play along with pac healers, and are so vital to the hibernia groups that it is needed in every smallman and 8man to be effective. Warden and enchanters are the 153. Wardens never use speed unless it's solo, it's completely redundant and should imo be moved if anthing. They are strong healers, with lots of utility, pbt bots and a great tool for groups. In it's current state it can go 49 nurt 42 reg, making them very viable (even though many believe them to be weak for some weird reason) and because of 10 blades are formidable peelers in smallman and 8 man groups. There would be no benefit giving them 204%, because it would never be subbed for a bard, ever. Enchanters are the primary shotcallers, are very good in smallmen, very good in 8man often being the MA. They have a 9 sec stun (like any other caster in hib), a pet and debuffs their own baseline spell damage. They can work solo, but honestly if you lose 1v1 on an enchanter you have played against a good player, not a good solo class. They are not in hib 5 nat tank train groups, but are of course in hib caster groups. There are no benefits here, what so ever. Increasing speed to 204 will be completely redundant for hibs as nothing will change for smallman or 8 man. Hibs would be annoyed the same way as mids will, because albs got a huge buff while hib didn't.
Albs would be complete winners, they will be able to force out a support for speed, still keep the same level of CC, but also increase their damage output in 8 man groups. Smallmen would also see a bigger variance, but at the cost of minstrels becoming underdogs in terms of priority. In short, they'll become the strongest realm for nothing. Mids would get some variance in smallman, but it's not a benefit nor will it hurt them. You'd possibly see more hybrid gameplay, but again only different classes. It's completely redundant for hibs. They're never running a smallman without CC effectively, and I don't even have to mention 8 man setups where at the very least 1 bard is present. This is my semi-objective take on that argument, and if I land 60% in the ballpark, I'd say it's a slam dunk that the devs don't change the speed.