Darkspire defeaters, how did you do?

Started 8 Apr 2019
by Sepplord
in PvE
I am wondering why there is so no discussion about this new dungeon?
Is the interest pretty small?

So, defeaters of Darkspire, how did you do it?
How useful are casters instead of melee-DPS?
Did you one tank or two tank the dungeon?
Is it too hard, is it too easy?


The speedrunners are apparently using 1tank+2mainhealers+buffs+meleeDPS+AOTG but how do non-optimal setups do? Are casters completely useless or does it only take a bit longer due to regg-issues?

How many groups have beaten it in total?
Mon 8 Apr 2019 1:36 PM by Mura
I went on a caster. Our setup was 2 warr, sav, aug heal, pac heal, shaman, rm, skald.

Some of the fights were pretty rough for a caster since I can't sit to regen power because of mechanics, but overall it was managable.

I feel like I would have been more useful as a melee though, as nice as PBT is, I think I wasted a lot of potential dps time by sitting around waiting for MCL and pot timers. Even the trash pulls I had to sit down to regen just because stuff has a boat load of HP.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:05 PM by ggherardi
We did it with 2 Clerics, 1 Friar, 1 Arms, 1 Theurgist, 1 Sorc, 1 Wizard and 1 Reaver.
And patience.
A lot of patience.
A LOT of patience.
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:35 PM by Sepplord
ggherardi wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:05 PM
We did it with 2 Clerics, 1 Friar, 1 Arms, 1 Theurgist, 1 Sorc, 1 Wizard and 1 Reaver.
And patience.
A lot of patience.
A LOT of patience.

hehe, is there a scale to transform amounts of patience into hours. Just for funsies?
Good to hear though that you beat it with a castergroup
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:36 PM by Halma
Is CC possible or does everything has to be tanked?
Mon 8 Apr 2019 3:14 PM by Sepplord
Halma wrote:
Mon 8 Apr 2019 2:36 PM
Is CC possible or does everything has to be tanked?

some mobs can be CCed... i would even say HAVE to be
Mon 8 Apr 2019 3:18 PM by Runental
Here is our Speedrun from friday,- we managed to beat that time yesterday, but sadly Clary did not record it.

But here you may get a good overview how things work.

For a whole clear you dont need a full melee group imo. Its doable with caster or Hybrid grp aswell,- you just need the full dmg burst in the right situations, i.e. Alval and the Maeviel.
For a speedrun and a good time on the leaderbord melee grp > all, because the damage is more constant over time..

Mon 8 Apr 2019 3:47 PM by Sepplord
yeah, i have seen that video (the post) but only looked at the first three bosses that we have cleared
Also chatted with Clary a bit saturday but not about details.

I am wondering what crazy times you guys (or your competitors) will be able to churn out in the end, and looking forward to watch the whole vid soon

Thanks for chiming in
Wed 10 Apr 2019 4:37 PM by Bobbahunter
I was with Mura on that completion.

It took us just over 3 hours
We had a seasoned person that had already completed it 3 or 4 times before us.

All Mobs have to be rotated with CC.. MEZZ when mezz runs out then Rooted..... Then mezzed again if needed but you should be on that mob by then. We always mezz/rooted the dog trash mob and one other first-- think it was a caster. Usually Trash came in 4s Kited down the hall some so also to give Shaman (me) time to root before mezzd/rooted mob got onto group

Our experienced leader kept saying he didnt think we had enough DPS but in the end we did finish with around 10 ish wipes I believe.
Some of us were only RR3 and not even Tempted come to find out after.

Nothing exceptional for ROGs but one bracer 70+ utility that I know of ( everything else crap) for me. Feathers too but cant remember how many.
Mon 15 Apr 2019 1:43 PM by Sepplord
Thanks for all the input so far, i managed to build a good group and we cleared the instance slightly under 3hours. (YAY) Thanks everyone for the encouragement and help i got here/ingame

We were:
Warrior, heal, heal, shammy, skald, zerk, svg, svg

The first boss and the trash from start until the second boss were the hardest imo. After that everything was considerably easier, but it's not like we didn't wipe a lot still...finding out the mechanics always costs one try since ironing out a completel fuckup isn't usually possible). All in All the Boss-mechanics were fun (especially the later ones) and thought out, and more than i would have expected from DAoC (ofcourse still much more basic than WoW-instances...but that wouldn't be a fair comparison ). I definitely wouldn't want to PUG it, and even with a high-dmg group like ours some encounters felt as if we just barely finished fast enough before getting overwhelmed (the dmg-race-bosses with addspawns).

Boss1 is overtuned imo and should be a bit easier or make that one the endboss
Maybe having fixed staff-spawns would be better, sometimes we would have to move every few seconds and sometimes it would let us beat on the boss for a long time.
The endboss is also mainly a DPS-check...i believe having DPS-check bosses is a good thing at the start of a dungeon, so groups that don't have required DPS to kill a boss don't waste time getting there.

Rewards were "ok", as a one time thing to get credit and therefor acces to the respeccs is definitely worth.
Besides getting encountercredit imo the rewards are a tad low for the effort/attention that is required.

Biggest complaint (but that might be incorrect, just my feeling) is how beneficial RR is. The powerleveldifference between a low-RR char and a high-RR char in DAoC is really huge and therefor content like this is either overtuned for the average playerbase or completly trivialized for the high-End RvR-people. Requiring people to respecc from RvR to PvE and back is ofcourse also a feather/BP-sink but it excludes quite a bunch of the playerbase too (or makes it much harder for them). Maybe in a future instance (it sounded as if you have more plans) everyone could have set-stats when porting in. Equip/RR doesn't have an effect. That would also make it easier (imo) to achieve a certain difficulty.

All in All: i had a blast and everyone who has not done the instance should look into it. Don't get discouraged too fast...the start is the hardest
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