Enjoying shard and open for playing and testing on Mid

Started 5 May 2024
by Ecclesia
in Midgard

Hej, recently joined and started playing fresh, enjoying the shard for a while now.

Status Still keep logging

Update on what i can help with to new players testing Phx on Mid:

  • got acc with RR 5L0
  • got lvl50 Thane and few low levels
  • can craft basic buff potions
  • when im online can participate in various activities, be it PvE or RvR testing
  • opened house at Ormthwaite Lot 1808 | Porter | Vaults
  • use command /rearrange Thank me later xD
  • i suck at pvp and still having fun so feel encouraged to try Phx out
  • funds ~ 0plat 213gold left

Characters of mine you can party with:

  • Redemptor Hominis lvl50 Thane
  • Pater Noster lvl13 Skald
  • Evangelium Vitae lvl13 Healer
  • Rosarium VirginisMariae lvl36 Shaman
  • Familiaris Consortio lvl40 Bonedancer
  • Magisterium Ecclesiae lvl13 Spiritmaster

Update on what kind of help i would be thankful for on Mid:

  • will appreciate help with creating guild to test some server features


Thanks to Chuggachuggachoochoo, Long and Shampuu for joining and some PvE'n'RvR action with towers and teleportation recovery.

Thanks to team still running Phx shard.

*Note added regarding thread (now deleted) mimicking text from my initial post here. Deleted thread had links redirecting to some thrash courses.

Im not associated with any scripts providers or any ai machines and im not supporting such ideas especially in gaming.

Example of how such tools can destroy online game been brought to attention by g0at in his YT video The Wiggle that killed Tarkov.*

Wed 8 May 2024 6:09 AM by gregbowers

Just give me the details

Sun 12 May 2024 12:25 PM by Ecclesia

Nope support for scripts and ai.

Fri 24 May 2024 6:48 PM by Ecclesia

Dont click in the link below.

Thu 30 May 2024 12:05 PM by Ecclesia

This is proof ai doesnt have IQ

The only thing 'you' are enjoying here is some weak attempts of positioning your thrash courses within posts.

Thu 30 May 2024 12:24 PM by Ecclesia

Regardless some ai spam in my thread, im rerolling today shaman, so anyone whos up to some Midgard tour is welcome to join me.

27 days ago by Ecclesia

Some more time on shammy tonight.

Sun 2 Jun 2024 8:25 AM by Ecclesia

Will log on my bonedancer for few hours, so join me if in mood to mess around.

Wed 12 Jun 2024 4:16 PM by Ecclesia

Logged to roam some.

Wed 12 Jun 2024 8:02 PM by Blevox

Visited the house: 10/10 would visit again!

Wed 12 Jun 2024 8:39 PM by Ecclesia

Glad you liked it, hope alchemy table been useful.

Location isnt random, surrounding hills, forest, moon moving above mountain range at night and of course got chaplet nearby.

Sun 16 Jun 2024 9:33 AM by Ecclesia

House expired, been busy and forgot pay rent.

Will try farm some plat to rebuild it soon.

25 days ago by Ecclesia

House has been reestablished at Lot 1808.

Sun 23 Jun 2024 6:34 AM by Ecclesia

One of biggest QoL on server isnt enigma to me any longer.

Yep, used command /rearrange

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