With the population flows, we see many time RvR bonus poping on different side, often on EU timezone.
With the commands /u and /who [start frontier zone], we can easly compare if the % is real or truncked.
We dont know how the formula is based for RvR Bonus. But it is really annoying when there is 20% or more people who are standing afk in the relic town.
Proposition 1 ) Is it possible to remove AFKs/town camper from Frontier Population calculation for RvR Bonus?
Low population system is a good compensation for people who stay on their heart realm even when people cross the line, but ditn't work well with this beaviour.
Proposition 2) Maybe only teleport people after Xmin of inactivity everywhere in open RvR zone, to the main city without changing the calcul, it's an easier approch?
I think the Majority of people are fine with the actual situation, because they play on the good side of the issue. Killing ennemy on low population is a challange today, more when holidays pop. So we will be gratefull, if you can see a little improvment there.
Thanks for reading!
With the population flows, we see many time RvR bonus poping on different side, often on EU timezone.
With the commands /u and /who [start frontier zone], we can easly compare if the % is real or truncked.
We dont know how the formula is based for RvR Bonus. But it is really annoying when there is 20% or more people who are standing afk in the relic town.
Proposition 1 ) Is it possible to remove AFKs/town camper from Frontier Population calculation for RvR Bonus?
Low population system is a good compensation for people who stay on their heart realm even when people cross the line, but ditn't work well with this beaviour.
Proposition 2) Maybe only teleport people after Xmin of inactivity everywhere in open RvR zone, to the main city without changing the calcul, it's an easier approch?
I think the Majority of people are fine with the actual situation, because they play on the good side of the issue. Killing ennemy on low population is a challange today, more when holidays pop. So we will be gratefull, if you can see a little improvment there.
Thanks for reading!