RVR score
Hib 42, mid 35, alb 22
Alb keeps:
Bold hib, beno hib, berk hib, eras hib, surs hib, hurb hib, ren mid. Missed one hib.
Alb str relic hib, alb pow relic hib.
Here is a quote from my post in aug during beta:
"For example I made a joke about hib overlords but the thread was legit. We never got to discuss it but there is an imbalance in the realms, how do you solve them?
With rps for keep takes and xp bonuses for /realm shrooms will make a difference and hibs will dominate.
That is my prediction. And so my question is if everyone gets xp bonus based on who dominates and if alb and hib tend to be more populated,
How will mid fare? Stuff like that. What about formula for xp bonus based on pop etc. etc.
Imbalance now is one thing but when you can't change realms or when one side has 600 more people on it or way better xp bonus plus df all the time?
Should we wait until live version when that stuff is going on to begin a discussion?"
End quote.
Hib 42, mid 35, alb 22
Alb keeps:
Bold hib, beno hib, berk hib, eras hib, surs hib, hurb hib, ren mid. Missed one hib.
Alb str relic hib, alb pow relic hib.
Here is a quote from my post in aug during beta:
"For example I made a joke about hib overlords but the thread was legit. We never got to discuss it but there is an imbalance in the realms, how do you solve them?
With rps for keep takes and xp bonuses for /realm shrooms will make a difference and hibs will dominate.
That is my prediction. And so my question is if everyone gets xp bonus based on who dominates and if alb and hib tend to be more populated,
How will mid fare? Stuff like that. What about formula for xp bonus based on pop etc. etc.
Imbalance now is one thing but when you can't change realms or when one side has 600 more people on it or way better xp bonus plus df all the time?
Should we wait until live version when that stuff is going on to begin a discussion?"
End quote.