That I actually logged into my savage on Uthgard. It reminded me of how exciting and fun Uthgard was when it launched, like 4k people a year ago. I logged, was almost 400 people on.. but no chance for a casualish player to find a fight. Thought about leveling my sb, but naw.. that would take a month to get temped.
Finally landed back on.. Man Jan 14th can't come soon enough. IMO, this is like the last legit opportunity that the daoc classic loyalist fanbase has to capture the best part of this game on a server with a healthy population. Phoenix staff is the antithesis to what Uthgard staff was and this fills me with hope and joy. I have no inclination to hop on to the i50, I don't like that plug n play style Eden stuff.. but I'm happy the server is being stressed tests with hack n slash RvR with it.
When I'm on such a long daoc hiatus, I actually look FORWARD to the xp grind! As much as we all obviously love RvR, you can't tell me that grouping for XP with a solid core of players isn't part of the fun sometimes
Anyway, I truly can't wait for the live launch .. just dropping in to say hello and start a conversation to show the hype and anticipation from those of us who 100% plan to no-life it hard (use some vacation days) the moment Phoenix goes live
A big thank you to staff, and everyone putting in the effort to continue testing things in the i50 phase
Finally landed back on.. Man Jan 14th can't come soon enough. IMO, this is like the last legit opportunity that the daoc classic loyalist fanbase has to capture the best part of this game on a server with a healthy population. Phoenix staff is the antithesis to what Uthgard staff was and this fills me with hope and joy. I have no inclination to hop on to the i50, I don't like that plug n play style Eden stuff.. but I'm happy the server is being stressed tests with hack n slash RvR with it.
When I'm on such a long daoc hiatus, I actually look FORWARD to the xp grind! As much as we all obviously love RvR, you can't tell me that grouping for XP with a solid core of players isn't part of the fun sometimes
Anyway, I truly can't wait for the live launch .. just dropping in to say hello and start a conversation to show the hype and anticipation from those of us who 100% plan to no-life it hard (use some vacation days) the moment Phoenix goes live
A big thank you to staff, and everyone putting in the effort to continue testing things in the i50 phase