Season 2 note: I have not gone through all the outdated content, but aim to do so prior to Phoenix Season 2 Launch.
Structure of this guide:
- Introduction
- Templating a skald
- Realm Ability specs
- Skill specs
- Races
- Solo Skald
- Smallman Skald
- 8-man Skald
- Advanced Skald Tactics (Solo-focused)
******* 1. Introduction *******
I have a great passion for skalding and am very excited to share this passion with you. The following are my personal preferences, opinions and choices. The truth for your skald lies in your heart, follow that beat to best utilize your skald's full potential!
To give you some baseline background information, a little bit about me and my skalds:
I currently spend most of my time soloing, but I have also ran some frequent smallmans and pug 8-mans. My experience as a regular 8-man skald is by far the least and it has been many years since i filled that role. I have always played a dwarf skald as my main ever since i started on Guinevere (RP) and as I moved on to Uthgard and now on Phoenix.
My current rank on my main is 11L2, but I also have 6 other skalds of different levels and ranks including another level 50 troll skald. I dont really do alts, but have a 50 animist, warden and healer as well. None of those interest me, but they do serve specific roles to support my skald.
My current skill spec is: 37 Hammers 29 Parry 46 Battlesongs My current RA spec is: Speed of Sound 1, First Aid 2, Ignore Pain 3, Purge 5, Anger of The Gods 5, Mastery of Focus 2, Mastery of Parry 4, Augmented Strength 1, LongWind, Tireless
You can find me on Twitch or on Discord: Catkain#6104
******* 2. Templating a skald *******
I have based my 1h-weaponless template around the following items:
Necklace: Beaded Resisting Stones (Quest Item) Cloak: Otrygg's Darkened Cloak (15 000 feathers) Chest: Tuscarian Discordant Hauberk (20 000 feathers) 2-h Hammer: Dragon-shadow Great Hammer (15 000 feathers) 1-h Hammer (usuaully): Frozen Bleackhearted Hammer (15 000 feathers) ROGs: Around 75 utility
This template cost me roughly 30 platinum.
In my bags i always carry:
2xNoxious Fengundar Mantle (drops from somewhere, ask Pletos) Heart of Legion (20 000 feathers)
Ring of Prey Skewering (drops from somewhere, found in housing 1p) OR Can craft same thing with 10/10 charges for less than 40gold. Alchemy: Stable Honing Arcanium Tincture. Tailoring: any MP armor piece (the lower lvl the better). Use it from inventory. (Edit credit Ordoch)
In terms of what to cap and what to not cap, I see no reason to leave anything out if you have endless platinum. However if you dont, here is my list of priority. Most prioritized on top and least on bottom:
Strength/Constitution/Dexterity Parry/Weapon(s) Melee resists Magic resists Quickness Charisma Battlesongs Power
******* 3. Realm Ability Specs *******
SOLO SPECIALIZED RR1L0-2L9: Work towards the RR3 spec RR3: Mastery of Parrying 2, Purge 2, SoS 1 and FA1. Link pending new Charplanner RR4: Link pending new Charplanner RR5: Link pending new Charplanner RR6: Link pending new Charplanner RR7: Link pending new Charplanner RR8: Link pending new Charplanner RR9: Link pending new Charplanner RR10: Link pending new Charplanner RR11: Link pending new Charplanner RR12: Link pending new Charplanner RR13: Omg wow! U tell me!?!
******* 4. Skill Specs *******
Leveling up, I prefer to keep BS at one level below my current level and to keep putting the maximum amount of points into weapon. The weapon of choice is Hammer. I recommend 50BS to never be used in solo-specs as the lack of the final dd can be cheaply negated by the MoFocus RA and the parry/weapon skill lost makes you less competitive than your potential. For other skalds, 50BS is an option but not a good one. The resist songs do not stack with healer/shaman resists, the rest song does add some regen to the group and the last dd can be replaced with MoFocus as mentioned before.
To elaborate on my Hammer preference: The availability of back and side snares allow for effective peeling while the two parry stuns (one based directly off a parry and another one as the second style after a parry) provide a solid face-to-face melee capability.
The general guidance for skill specs is that parry is more and more useful the more you expect to be attacked directly. This translates to parry (and the associated stats) being a key skill for solo-skalds, but being a non-significant skill for BG skalds and a low-priority skill for 8-man and smallman skalds.
Adjust the skills as you prefer, but keep in mind your race and your realm rank to ensure efficient overall capabilities in-line with your playstyle. I presonally am currently experimenting with a "glasscannon" build for my troll skald and a more defensive build for my dwarf skald.
******* 5. Races *******
Consider your desired playstyle when choosing a class (to avoid that expensive race respec later on).
Races listed from solo to BG appropriate: kobold-dwarf-norse-troll
The two main considerations are offensive and defensive capabilities. Consider not only starting stats, but also the available bonus resists. I chose dwarf for my main due tp: offensive/defensive stat balance, good race resists, limited visibility in the battlefield to avoid being instantly identified and targeted.
For starting stats, i consider str and con as the two main stats. I also choose to add char, but I see strong arguments for other stats as well. My philosophy is that a troll should not try to chase well balanced stats, but rather embrace their strengths (strength). Same for a kobold, in my opinion they should embrace their defensive nature and not aim for dwarf’ish stats (if you want dwarf stats and sexual energy then just choose a dwarf already).