RvR event III - Alliances - advanced information

Started 23 Aug 2018
by Anonymous
in Tavern
Hello Phoenix,

As you may have noticed our third weekend RvR event is right around the corner. I wanted to clear some things up and give you some advance information before jumping into the fights.

The main aspect of this event is to give you an environment full of fights, fun, laughter and companionship. However this is just possible if a couple of rules are applied. I want to state clear that this event is unlike former Camlan and Mordred experiences and therefore a different ruleset. This is Phoenix, not GOA, Mythic, Broadsword.

During the weekend all normal server rules apply to this event as well. You will be able to talk to members of the enemy realms and also invite them to your group to fight alongside them. That's why we strongly advice you to follow our server rules. This means that hate speech, flaming, harassing etc. will be punished by our Game Master team. For the whole period of the event we will have the Game Master team monitoring and watching the event. This being said I also want to point again towards our event specific rules:

We all want to have a joyful weekend and we want you to have fun, make friends and enjoy your time on the Phoenix freeshard server. Feel free to take screenshots, record videos and share them with us in our forums.

Nothing more to say besides: Have lots of fun and thank you for playing on Phoenix!

Sat 25 Aug 2018 9:54 AM by Anonymous
Additional information:

    Any healing from the Safe-Zone into the Fight-Zone will be considered RP-Farming and will result in a ban.
    This also applies for reviving other players.
    You must not place monsters and pets/shrooms inside the Fight-Zone while you are in the Safe-Zone
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