Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... this is truely pitiful

Started 6 Aug 2018
by Zansobar
in Tavern
I think it's a matter of too little too late for Uthgard. They would need to copy all of Phoenix's improvements to really be competition anymore.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:07 AM by Brokenstring
It really is pathetic. I won't play there anymore simply due to how shamelessly they caved in so fast as soon as ANY competition came around. RIP Uthgard.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 1:03 AM by Budikah
Brokenstring wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:07 AM
It really is pathetic. I won't play there anymore simply due to how shamelessly they caved in so fast as soon as ANY competition came around. RIP Uthgard.

100% this.

They stood their ground while shedding their 2-3k+ player base. They stood their ground while people fled like rats off a sinking ship. People were insulted, warned, and banned over just about *any* of the suggestions that they are currently implementing.

To put this in real life terms - it's like your boyfriend/girlfriend being a total asshole to you, insulting you, not taking your wants/needs into consideration and then the moment somebody else shows up on the scene they do a complete turn around and start treating you like a Prince/Princess.

It's nonsense. It's insulting to their original intent of the server, it's insulting to all of the people who tried to get these points across while it wasn't too late. Suddenly, the moment competition appears on the scene, it's a total reversal on points that they so defiantly defended while their server bled population.

Absolutely pathetic. I don't trust the judgement of the Uthgard staff in the slightest.

It's like the captain of the Titanic ordering evasive maneuvers after the ship already hit the iceberg.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 4:52 AM by Chimosh
Budikah wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 1:03 AM
Brokenstring wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:07 AM
It really is pathetic. I won't play there anymore simply due to how shamelessly they caved in so fast as soon as ANY competition came around. RIP Uthgard.

100% this.

They stood their ground while shedding their 2-3k+ player base. They stood their ground while people fled like rats off a sinking ship. People were insulted, warned, and banned over just about *any* of the suggestions that they are currently implementing.

To put this in real life terms - it's like your boyfriend/girlfriend being a total asshole to you, insulting you, not taking your wants/needs into consideration and then the moment somebody else shows up on the scene they do a complete turn around and start treating you like a Prince/Princess.

It's nonsense. It's insulting to their original intent of the server, it's insulting to all of the people who tried to get these points across while it wasn't too late. Suddenly, the moment competition appears on the scene, it's a total reversal on points that they so defiantly defended while their server bled population.

Absolutely pathetic. I don't trust the judgement of the Uthgard staff in the slightest.

It's like the captain of the Titanic ordering evasive maneuvers after the ship already hit the iceberg.

Perfectly said.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 6:59 AM by Lance
Fuck them. They slit their own throats. A pool of blood will be their elegy.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 8:01 AM by sebbo
Cant there be a single day, where no b*tthurt player b*tches about uthgard? Just leave this daily "qq uthgard so bad lol"-whining. It´s boring.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:00 PM by heardstheword
I don't get the reasoning to continue to bash Uth to make yourself feel better.

What are you all gaining from the constant threads about Uthgard? You're obviously still interested in her...
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:49 PM by relvinian
I think it will help them. I also think more people will play uthgard and less the beta.

HOWEVER, without a wipe? When Phoenix goes live uthgard is going back to some extremely low numbers.

Who the hell wants to be farmed by rr 10 toons when the population on the server is 200?
Tue 7 Aug 2018 1:55 PM by Horus
People get a little too butthurt over Uthgard...lighten up.

They had a vision, they stuck to it even though others had opposing opinions...Everyone has opinions, without evidence it is hard to say which is right/wrong.

When they saw actual evidence that some of those opposing opinions were correct, they adjusted (are adjusting).

Where they wrong? Yes
Where others right? Yes
Is it too little too late ? Maybe
Do I fault the staff? Well yea but I am not angry or upset about it or think of them negatively. They were just rigid in their vision until proved otherwise. They didn't lie or misrepresent. They told you what that vision was a stuck to it. When shown empirical evidence they were prob wrong, they are now adjusting. Not necessarily a bad trait, although some of them could have been a bit more thick skinned in they way they responded.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 2:32 PM by Brokenstring
The evidence was staring them in the face for well over a year. They decided to become dogmatic and deny the reality of the situation, saying 'don't like, don't play', 'look a squirrel', 'it's such a beautiful day outside, don't worry'. Hundreds of people saw what was coming on the forums and tried to help petition for change when the server could be saved, yet they got ridiculed and scorned and told to go away by the staff (and a small minority of the players). Well they went away, to a better server now.

I could care less about Uthgard at this point. The reason people are upset, and rightfully they should be, is that they had the entire world of several thousand DAoC players at their fingertips, and they let it slip away into the night, when it was completely avoidable.

This is what you people that are complaining about people bringing up Uthgard seem to be failing to see, and I dare say probably apart of the problem then.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 2:38 PM by Whitecrow
I still can't get over how biased bigoted corrupted they are towards midgard on uthgard.

I come here to play Midgard and I want see Devs treat all realms fair.
If people use bugged game mechanics to cheat to high realm ranks I. E broken Tundra .

Then strip there realm ranks away.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 3:22 PM by Warlay
honestly, i hope this server will shut down. they absolutly deserved it with their arrogant behaviour over the years... when i read their news i just needed to laugh and i have no feeling that i will login there anymore
Tue 7 Aug 2018 3:43 PM by Tyton
Brokenstring wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 2:32 PM
The reason people are upset, and rightfully they should be, is that they had the entire world of several thousand DAoC players at their fingertips, and they let it slip away into the night, when it was completely avoidable.

^This 1000%

Sure it's in bad taste to complain and badmouth another server but whatever....You can't help but say "I told you so" in this instance. Because, well, we all did a million times. I'm not a big gamer, I pretty much only play DAoC (except live). So it was very frustrating to see them squander a golden opportunity like that due to ignorance and arrogance.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 4:20 PM by rubaduck
I did not play Uthgard for very long, maybe a couple of months because the development was never specific to me so I quit before I invested more time into something I had a bad feeling about from the very beginning. My friends played it, and pretty much complain about the same things that people do here and they thoroughly enjoy the downfall of that server just as much as anyone in this post do.

I kind of agree that devs shouldn't cave in for every change being suggested to the server though, but there is a very fine line between developing QoL for the player base and caving in on silly demands. Keep up what you're doing devs, because the foul and bad feeling I had on Uthgard as a player is absolutely not there now when I'm playing here (taking in regard that this is still the beta).
Tue 7 Aug 2018 5:10 PM by moghedan
People feel strongly compelled to bash Uthgard because it is historically important to do so. At some point, a few years in the future, when memories are not so fresh... someone will try to gloss over the facts and make claims that Uthgard was undone by outside forces, or sabotage, or just by events beyond anyone's control. It is vital that this failure be unabashedly chronicled.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 7:32 PM by relvinian
You don't want people to have to put in a 40 hour work week to level toons and end up with carpal tunnel.

Once everyone agrees on that we can talk. If you don't agree that much screw them.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 9:48 PM by Armsmancer
heardstheword wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 12:00 PM
I don't get the reasoning to continue to bash Uth to make yourself feel better.

What are you all gaining from the constant threads about Uthgard? You're obviously still interested in her...

Please make us a list of all of these "constant" threads about Uthgard so we can see the grand list you must have. That, or use a dictionary because, you keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.
Tue 7 Aug 2018 9:54 PM by Armsmancer
Horus wrote:
Tue 7 Aug 2018 1:55 PM
People get a little too butthurt over Uthgard...lighten up.

They had a vision, they stuck to it even though others had opposing opinions...Everyone has opinions, without evidence it is hard to say which is right/wrong.

When they saw actual evidence that some of those opposing opinions were correct, they adjusted (are adjusting).

Where they wrong? Yes
Where others right? Yes
Is it too little too late ? Maybe
Do I fault the staff? Well yea but I am not angry or upset about it or think of them negatively. They were just rigid in their vision until proved otherwise. They didn't lie or misrepresent. They told you what that vision was a stuck to it. When shown empirical evidence they were prob wrong, they are now adjusting. Not necessarily a bad trait, although some of them could have been a bit more thick skinned in they way they responded.

How about a playerbase in a complete nose-dive for months? Seems a good measure to me if you're doing things "right." What good would -my- strict server to some archaic design if nobody comes to play it?

Let's not all forget within 48 hours of Genesis launching years ago they, without warning, nuked their server and deleted everyone's toons. Save the "poor uninformed staff" defense for a poor, uninformed staff. These dudes emodied butthurt, and here we are again, just like years ago, barely a few hundred on their server and a very popular server on the horizon with lots more playing the beta at times than they have active players, and the betas are getting deleted, speaks wonders. If they can't get it after over a decade of the shifting winds, they own every bit of it and they are now reaping what they sow. There's people banned / locked threads over there about how they will not consider doing X, and now we have a post of them implementing X, what a joke.

If they stayed with their vision you'd have a point, but they didn't. Their vision is what justified all their past crap behavior and attitude, they aren't going to get away with dropping that justification now to those of us that were there years back and remember it all. There aren't new staff there that are new blood and new attitudes, same old folks that decided to nuke your progress you had put years into, because some people went to try out another server. Please.
Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:55 AM by flidias
You all know this server is a complete joke to DAOC right? But if you are limited to insta level and insta win then this is the server for you.
Wed 8 Aug 2018 8:36 AM by Naturedruid
Zansobar wrote:
Mon 6 Aug 2018 10:45 PM
I think it's a matter of too little too late for Uthgard. They would need to copy all of Phoenix's improvements to really be competition anymore.

Even then it wouldn't be enough. The only way Uthgard could "beat" Phoenix was if they implemented all QoL changes and did a full charwipe and implemented SI, too. Which isn't going to happen.
Wed 8 Aug 2018 4:42 PM by Armsmancer
flidias wrote:
Wed 8 Aug 2018 12:55 AM
You all know this server is a complete joke to DAOC right? But if you are limited to insta level and insta win then this is the server for you.

We need more dictionaries maybe you and Heards can order one together and save on shipping so you can use words that you understand their meaning so you don't look so bad to others when you use the internet.
Wed 8 Aug 2018 5:22 PM by Ceen
Without Uthgard the daoc freeshards would be dead for years and there would be no player base for Phoenix, just saying.
Wed 8 Aug 2018 6:18 PM by Uthred
Uthgard does their stuff, we do ours. The Phoenix Team will not comment on other freeshards. We didnt do it after the split from Origins, nor will we do it now.

I was monitoring the thread since the first post and i hoped that it would not end in people flaming/insulting each other. But i was wrong, so it is locked.
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