I aint no boogeyman....

Started 21 Aug 2020
by Lawdawg
in Tavern
226 views on the ban forum for the Boogeyman, who only got 1 day for abusing a GM?...I get 3 days for sharing accounts (which isn't true, i havent shared either one of my accounts with anybody. ...), and i only get 122 views? Where's all my friends that care ! .. I do wonder though, did most people think i was using radar, or speed hacking, or using scripts, or afk farming?....nope, just 2 accounts in my household (1 not mine), played on the same computer from time to time, never at the same time, never on different realms.....guess I should have just abused a GM instead.....silly rules...
Fri 21 Aug 2020 10:26 PM by Uthred
If you think your ban isnt correct, feel free to contact a gamemaster on discord and they will have a look at it.

12.2 Public discussions about already enforced punishments are strictly forbidden in game, on forums and on discord.

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