Closed Alpha News

Started 16 Apr 2018
by Uthred
in Tavern
Dear Phoenix Community,

Today we would like to update everyone who is not participating in our closed Alpha.

As quiet as it is in the open forum and discord section, the busier it is in our Alpha sections. Our alpha has started about 3 weeks ago and we are really happy and very thankful to all our brave testers who went through bugs, freezes and hundreds of mobs with us to help to develop this server. We are still surprised that by now we have more than 130 players helping in our closed alpha, looking to find the “golden bug” 😊 as suggestions, bug reports and valuable feedback are coming in continuously.

The whole team appreciates you a lot and we want to say a big THANK YOU here! We couldn’t have come that far without you.

For everyone else, we would like to summarize what happened during the past weeks.

In week one, we have tested Hibernia and we were able, besides fixing standard bugs, to find the reason for occasional freezes and fix it. As expected, there were many cobblestones in the way, but the server is now running stable and we only need reboots when updates are deployed. Btw: a server reboot takes about 20 seconds thanks to the revamped code and database.

After an intense week in Hibernia, the caravan moved on to Albion where we liked it so much that we have made the decision to stay another week. In the meantime, general server bugs were being worked on as well as on classes/spells/styles and worldbuilding. Since last Saturday, we move around Midgard and thanks to all the BDs and their pets, we are sure we’ll stay there for a while. All three realms are now open.

Generally, we were able to locate stability issues and solve them, we have been working on fixing tooltips, missing styles/spells, wrong icons and so on and we could gain a lot of insight to move forward. Player feedback also helped to adjust drop rates, respawn times in dungeons and much more. As we move on, we have decided to open a few more alpha spots and if you are interested, please contact us via discord.

Many of you will now ask, when we will open the alpha or even when we will open the beta version. At this time, it is still hard to say but we will keep you posted!

Fact is, that there still is a lot of work to be done, but thanks to a very dedicated team and dedicated testers, we will get there. In the mean time, feel free to ask our team or to post your suggestions via forum. Another great news is, that due to the visible progress on phoenix, we were able to extend our team with 4 new DaoC lovers and have now even more Worldbuild and Dev resources available.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more to come, your Phoenix Team.
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