August 3rd

Started 3 Aug 2018
by Yuki
in Tavern
- /who bg
- cooldowns should persist between relogs
- concentration effects should remain on caster when zoning
- damage add reduction for rapid fire and penetrating arrow
- rent / lockbox fixes (housing not yet enabled)
- animist fnf turrets are interruptable
- some guild commands should no longer cause a red latency lamp
- minor ranged mob behavior fixes
- experimental speed breaking change (needs feedback)
- support multiple money items (fiery diamond seals)
- housing hookpoint validation (housing not yet enabled)
- various theurgist pet fixes
- /played time should be recorded correctly now (not retroactive)
- ranged attacks use 2d distance checks (elevation bonus)
- rog armor and cloak models are now randomized
- rog armor and cloak colors are now randomized (yay clowns)

Please report wrong rog models (ie leather plate helm, foot helmets etc.) ingame, a gm has to inspect the item to fix this.
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