Phoenix Herald Dark Theme

Started 7 Aug 2019
by Auranyte
in Support Center
So before I had to quit because I couldn't stay connected to the server for longer than 5 minutes (Issue continues to this day) I ended up making a dark theme for the herald that can be used in Stylus. I'll share the Mozilla Format version to allow for importing into Stylus or Stylish (if you still use that).

@-moz-document domain("" {
body { color: #e08821; background-color: #000; }
th { color: #309cd2; }
tr.hib > td, option.hib { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.32); }
tr.mid > td, option.mid { background-color: rgba(14, 14, 225, 0.66); }
tr.alb > td, option.alb { background-color: rgba(210, 46, 46, 0.47); }
a { color: #fff; }
tr.row:hover { background-color: #605e60 }
a:focus, a:hover { color: #e08821; }
td { border-bottom:none; }

Here is what it looks like.
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