Name Changed; Procedure Not Followed

Started 20 Apr 2019
by amitchtx
in Support Center
My name was Mikepence on Midgard, and now, it is Huggingbear. I was never notified of the name change; the next time I logged in, my name was changed. When I tried to appeal, this was the conversation:

Mikepence is neither vile, racist, a swear word, an anatomical reference, a racial slur, a sexual reference, a disease, drug reference, a historical reference, a religious reference, or a homonym, combination of words to produce a similar sound, or misspelling of any such items.

I am truly confused as to why the name Mikepence was changed. My name in real life is Michael Edward Pence.

The rule states that I should get to choose new name, but I was not given any such privilege.

6. Names, Last-Names, Guild-Names and Horse-Names
The following types of names are subject of the enforced rules

Vile, or racist names including common swear words, anatomical references, racial slurs, sexual references as well as diseases and homonyms of these words Combinations of these words that produce an offensive result (e.g. Hugeaz, Tug McGroin, KneeGrow etc). Any and all drug references.

Any historical or religious references. (e.g. God, Jesus, Allah, Satan, Hitler, Stalin)
Names chosen with the intent of harming the reputation of or used to impersonate a Phoenix staff member.
For all the above, misspellings and alternate spellings of the word or words are also unacceptable.

1st offense: Warning and re-naming
2nd offense: Re-naming and 1-day ban

3rd offense: deletion of character and 1 week ban
4th offense: deletion of character and 4 weeks ban
5th offense: Permaban of player

Think of these number of offenses as a point system, depending on the severity of this rule violation you can get more points even on the first offense. All violating names found at the time of the rename count as a single violation with the severity being that of the worst name.

Renaming: For the 1st offense we will give the player the opportunity to pick an alternative, appropriate name. If the chosen name is also violating the rules, punishment of 2nd offense will be applied. If a player doesn’t respond to the staff member in a within a decent time frame, a name will be chosen at the staff discretion. If a staff member finds a name in our backend which violates the rules, it will be re-named at the staff members discretion.

Can someone a little more level-headed help me out? Is there any sort of appeals process?


Sat 20 Apr 2019 10:52 PM by Uthred
1. Dont try to fool a GM.
2. Mikepence is not allowed nor is Obama, Trump or whatever. We dont want any political names here on the server.
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