Probably a noob question.
I already have DAoC installed and want the client left as is.
When I try to run daoc setup.exe and create a separate folder and client, I get an error telling me the game is already installed and there is no option to continue.
I have no plans to run 2 accts at the same time, I just don't wanna screw up the exiting client, which I have to play on "another server", which is basically dead for NA players.
Any advice or step by step how I can do this?
Thanks in advance.
I already have DAoC installed and want the client left as is.
When I try to run daoc setup.exe and create a separate folder and client, I get an error telling me the game is already installed and there is no option to continue.
I have no plans to run 2 accts at the same time, I just don't wanna screw up the exiting client, which I have to play on "another server", which is basically dead for NA players.
Any advice or step by step how I can do this?
Thanks in advance.