Game Crashing, No Errors

Started 19 Sep 2018
by Stryfer
in Support Center
Out of the blue today, I went LD 2 times within about 5 minutes. Since the last LD, about every 5 minutes after logging back in the game closes to desktop. No link dead message or errors. Just closes out to desktop. Any suggestions? This start about 45 minutes ago
Wed 19 Sep 2018 9:59 PM by Armsmancer
make sure game.exe is completely closed and/or do a restart I'd say, something isn't right and its just usually best to do that first to rule out a bunch of stuff and then let us know if that fixed it for you
Wed 19 Sep 2018 10:03 PM by Stryfer
I did PC reboot before posting. I'm not really sure what else to try. I've checked to make sure none of the device drivers autoupdated. Any suggestion appreciated.
Wed 19 Sep 2018 10:27 PM by Armsmancer
Well when I have crashing to desktop its usually an application error. If the computer just shuts down that indicates heating issues as a safety, but if something closes by itself it is usually because it pointed to a conflict or something that isn't there and could not continue so self killed itself.

The fix is usually reinstallation because if you think about it it could be any of the files, could be a reference to some graphic or animation, either way you don't want it lurking there. This corruption probably happened on the LD , you know how if you LD some things like your QBARS don't save, this indicates there are kind of possible 2 versions and somewhere something is being called that is messed up / missing.

DAOC isn't some huge 80 gig game so I'd just reinstall maybe, or install a second, isolated copy into a different drive / file location (as if you were going to buffbot etc) but use that one for the rest of the day and if it works again like before then use that directory from now on.
Wed 19 Sep 2018 10:30 PM by Stryfer
Sounds legit. I'll try another installation. Thanks for the advice. I'll post back after I've had time to test it.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 12:38 AM by imissswg
Since the Sept 18th patch, my client constantly freezes up anywhere from 5 seconds and recovers to never recovers and I go LD, saying I stopped receiving from the server. I can still move my mouse, it's just the screen that is frozen. This has happened on two different computers with wildly different hardware and different versions of Windows. Until last patch, game ran pretty flawlessly...maybe one LD since I started playing a couple weeks ago.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 12:41 AM by Stryfer
So I took your advice. I first thought maybe I could take a shortcut and update with the Mythic Patcher then go back and repatch with the Phoenix Patcher. That didn't work. So, I went ahead and did a full uninstall and reinstall. However, the same problem persists. I'm baffled. I'm not a complete novice with computers, but I'm not really sure what else to try. It's strange that it happened all of a sudden the way it did. Any further suggestions are appreciated.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 12:47 AM by Armsmancer
I would use windows to remove everything by the uninstall and then go through and remove all files from Phoenix like it was illegal and you heard the cops were coming over, get everything and delete it and start from scratch.

Pretend you are at a friends house and have to install it for him the way you had it working, do not re use anything, delete everything and download it from scratch like you did when you started phoenix.
Thu 20 Sep 2018 12:51 AM by Stryfer
I'll give it another shot. It seems like the system (Phoenix end) is checking something causing the crash. It's within a 5 minute period everyitme and I'm able to instantly log back in without any issue. Very strange. I'll post an update again after another try, but it maybe tomorrow
Fri 21 Sep 2018 10:48 AM by imissswg
Since Thursday's patch, I haven't had the client freeze problem...thumbs up!
Fri 21 Sep 2018 10:43 PM by Stryfer
I've gutted everything related to DAoC and Phoenix and reinstalled from scratch. The problem, unfortunately, has not gone away. I'm about to try installing it on a completely different drive.
Sat 22 Sep 2018 2:16 AM by Stryfer
Installed on a different drive. It worked fine until I installed Bob's UI. Then the same problem started. Even after I go back in and turn custom UI back to Atlantis, it still persists without a reload. So, I've narrowed it down to Bob's UI being the culprit. Even with a fresh install, and downloading it from the link supplied in the forums here it still causes issues. I can completely delete the Custom folder in the ui folder, and it doesn't fix it without reinstalling the game. I've been using Bob's since I started here about a month ago with no issues until this past Wednesday. Was there an updated that changed something? Is anyone else having similar problems? Any other recommendations?
Sat 22 Sep 2018 8:27 AM by bysan
Stryfer wrote:
Sat 22 Sep 2018 2:16 AM
Installed on a different drive. It worked fine until I installed Bob's UI. Then the same problem started. Even after I go back in and turn custom UI back to Atlantis, it still persists without a reload. So, I've narrowed it down to Bob's UI being the culprit. Even with a fresh install, and downloading it from the link supplied in the forums here it still causes issues. I can completely delete the Custom folder in the ui folder, and it doesn't fix it without reinstalling the game. I've been using Bob's since I started here about a month ago with no issues until this past Wednesday. Was there an updated that changed something? Is anyone else having similar problems? Any other recommendations?

Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot and open ui.log. Gonna be an error there somewhere, that a file is missing for example.
Sat 22 Sep 2018 12:11 PM by Hector
Same problem here. Idk why i keep LDing
Sat 22 Sep 2018 4:25 PM by Stryfer
I was premature in assuming it was the UI mod. I've since reinstalled the game again and I'm still suffering the same issue. I'm at a loss. Until some sort of update hits, I guess I'm done trying unless someone has some advice I can try.
Sat 22 Sep 2018 4:33 PM by Stryfer
bysan wrote:
Stryfer wrote:
Sat 22 Sep 2018 2:16 AM
Installed on a different drive. It worked fine until I installed Bob's UI. Then the same problem started. Even after I go back in and turn custom UI back to Atlantis, it still persists without a reload. So, I've narrowed it down to Bob's UI being the culprit. Even with a fresh install, and downloading it from the link supplied in the forums here it still causes issues. I can completely delete the Custom folder in the ui folder, and it doesn't fix it without reinstalling the game. I've been using Bob's since I started here about a month ago with no issues until this past Wednesday. Was there an updated that changed something? Is anyone else having similar problems? Any other recommendations?

Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot and open ui.log. Gonna be an error there somewhere, that a file is missing for example.

There were quite a few errors. I uninstalled and deleted all of the folders/files in the user account and reinstalled the game. The same errors were produced in the above mentioned log. There are also a few errors in the critical.log, but I'm not sure what to do with them.
Sat 22 Sep 2018 4:34 PM by Stryfer
Hector wrote:
Sat 22 Sep 2018 12:11 PM
Same problem here. Idk why i keep LDing

My issue isn't going link dead. The game just closes like it got ALT-F4 closed.
Sat 22 Sep 2018 8:14 PM by Stryfer
Update: It was all for naught! It was a zone issue in Jordheim. If a GM wants specifics, I'll be more than happy to show them the route I was running while crafting from the back alchemy table to the alch/SC merchant. If I'm not in that zone running in that route, I have zero issues. Very odd. Thanks everyone for offering your thoughts and suggestions
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