Can't Connect. Please put a banner saying the server is not LIVE yet !

Started 2 Jan 2019
by asdetrefle
in Support Center
Hi, I was trying to connect and I read the server is not Live Yet, because Beta ended and it will be live on January 12th.

Let me tell you're misinforming people and the server management already seem disastrous.

I hope your server won't have vanished when I'll be back.
Wed 2 Jan 2019 4:27 PM by Dimir
asdetrefle wrote:
Wed 2 Jan 2019 4:13 PM
Hi, I was trying to connect and I read the server is not Live Yet, because Beta ended and it will be live on January 12th.

Let me tell you're misinforming people and the server management already seem disastrous.

I hope your server won't have vanished when I'll be back.

I'm having trouble understanding your problem. You tried to connect, it didn't work, and via either the forum or the latest news at managed to figure out the server wasn't live yet. What's the problem?
Wed 2 Jan 2019 5:16 PM by Takii
There's literally a button called Launch Information at the top of the website, and a blog post on the front page describing the launch in detail with dates. In order to even connect to the server you had to skip all of that information and go to the bottom of the page.

Pretty sure the problem is between the computer and the chair.
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