- changed the Realm Ability base patch level from 1.65 / old frontiers to the current live New New Frontiers.
-- charge is gone as an RA, OF charge (free sprint) will for now remain as base ability for merc / bm
-- duelist's reflexes (offhand hit chance for alb / hib, second hand damge for mid) remains as passive
-- mastery of arts/arms/archery/arcane remains for now
-- tireless, long wind remain as they were since the last update
-- no RR5 abilities for now
-- serenity remains as it is
-- necromancer RAs are more caster like
- better crafting quality randomness
-- charge is gone as an RA, OF charge (free sprint) will for now remain as base ability for merc / bm
-- duelist's reflexes (offhand hit chance for alb / hib, second hand damge for mid) remains as passive
-- mastery of arts/arms/archery/arcane remains for now
-- tireless, long wind remain as they were since the last update
-- no RR5 abilities for now
-- serenity remains as it is
-- necromancer RAs are more caster like
- better crafting quality randomness