2018-09-26 Wednesday

Started 26 Sep 2018
by gruenesschaf
in News
- npcs (pets not included) will remain in combat longer, this should avoid cases where they return to spawn while a dot is still ticking
- pets should have their owner faction values: mobs that are no longer aggro due to faction should not attack pets
- kill participation is only cleared when something is out of combat and is at full health (previously it was done in both cases), this affects pve and rvr
- aug dex/con/str/qui transfer to the necro pet
- motarts works on the necro pet
- lower npcs now have a higher miss rate (does not affect pets)
- miss rate is reduced against sitting targets
- block chance now has a hard cap of 99%, even if engage is active
- with very few exceptions all npc stats have been adjusted:
-- str gain has been reduced by 25%
-- dex, qui, int gain has been halved
-- the default 1h attack speed is now 3.5, up from 3.0
-- on average mobs should attack noticeably slower and hit for slightly less per hit
- delay after item charge use (will mainly affect the non instant potions), no swinging or casting can happen for the delay duration
- raid npcs (all npcs that have the level 50 + high hp stuff) will now reset their hp to 100% when they engage
- players now have to wait the remainder of their swing delay before they can cast again
- crafting should no longer break when a staff member changes a recipe / resulting item
- aug acuity no longer gives dex to nightshades, mana pool and spell damage is still increased
- acuity from items no longer gives dex to nightshades
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