2018-09-11 Tuesday

Started 11 Sep 2018
by gruenesschaf
in News
- fix assassin not visible after stealth opener
- fix attempt for pets freezing when following their owner at speed 6
- spell damage fix (reduction, now within +-2 damage of live / what it should be)
- earth pets now have more magic absorb
- item condition decimals should no longer show when delving to chat
- potential rez rp should clear on release
- necromancer now gets a notification when wild arcana triggers
- snare nuke snare override fix
- crafting profession icons should be fixed
- reaching x00 in a profession now tells you the correct title for the increased profession and not your primary profession
- added /tradeskill to switch your primary profession without talking to another trainer again
- autoloot off fix while in group
- mobs (and pets) stop chasing player that are stealthed and outside their detection range
- aggro pets now attack nearby stealther (half the detection range)
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