2018-08-26 Sunday

Started 26 Aug 2018
by gruenesschaf
in News
- melee stun immunity duration is now 6x the stun duration
- bounty point value of players has been slightly reduced
- repair button should show up again on unequipped items
- avoidance of magic now affects cc spells
- when casting npcs should now always have a first los check but never a second
- some theurgist pet behavior fixes
- inventory fixes when crafting and having multiple stacks / partial stacks
- displayed item spell requirement fixes
- padding npc (will be placed sometime today)
- crafting secondary skill gain has been reworked
- mid and hib champion weapon skins are now in
- hastener only gives speed, it's now always instant on click
- /autosplit has been disabled
- magic absorb for mobs from buffs / debuffs
- deathblows are counted properly in the stats (was showing deaths before)
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