2018-08-14 Tuesday

Started 14 Aug 2018
by gruenesschaf
in News
- added recipes for Hib Metalcrafting strips trinketing - roughhewn hinge
- 3 second reactive style window
- follow up style can be made to another target
- ld run fix
- bg leader selection when leader leaves
- reskin npc (will be placed a bit later today)
- dd snare spells should break other snares
- fatigue consumption debuff (poison)
- fixed missing combat log messages for spells (you cast xy)
- owner rez sickness should not affect pet damage
- portal keep guard range
- houses should remain visible
- some ra error message fixes
- guild leader can promote others to guild leader
- guild command message fixes
- housing garden validation
- refresh garden on item pickup
- some misspellings
- per realm housing garden options
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