Thoughts on realm teleport to Emain/Odins/Hadrians??

Started 2 May 2019
by Inkwell84
in RvR
To promote more action in Mid and Alb, what if Mids could teleport to their keep in Odins, so long as the keep is under Mid control (and same for Albs respectively)??

Obviously Emain is the epi-center, but it could make it easier and more likely for action to accumulate in the other realms’ MG zones, and of course make it easier for solo/small-group Hibs to get back to Emain, since they have a longer return time and the action is generally in Emain.

Even porting to Crim, Nott, and Eras could work with lesser risk of making it too hard to take the MG keeps?

Just a thought..

Has this idea been floated?
Thu 2 May 2019 6:36 PM by Radikus
I actually posted about this in a thread in the votes forum. It was responded to with "We also have domination ports" and promptly locked. However, I still think it is a valid discussion that should not be locked. I agree when it is invade Hibernia, the domination ports are amazing, it really spreads out the action in bref/emain while allowing Hibs to get to bref/emain where most of the fights are on the server now. However, this is only 1/3rd of the time. The other 2/3rds Hibs are out to dry and really leaves only the mids and albs crashing together. If we allowed a port for non-invade Hibernia to somewhere close in Bref, it would really make emain/bref action much more dynamic and really assist with the dipping Hib population. I know I have not made Hib characters due to the emain run and the failing Hib population really supports the need for a porter close to emain for them.
Thu 2 May 2019 7:21 PM by Inkwell84
Fair points.

I also hope it could help direct some traffic to alb/mid for Smallman and solo.
Thu 2 May 2019 9:56 PM by djegu
Yes please, at least for emain, and let's say the port cannot be activated when the task is in the zone so people have to take flag and turn item.
Fri 3 May 2019 9:36 AM by Sepplord
Having the portkeeps as teleporters locks one of the other realms basically into the zone.
How are Mids able to leave Emain, when there is not only the albforces in between them and brefiene, but also Hibernia porting in?
Same thing in the other realms, with switched roles. (maybe in hadrians it wouldn't be as bad as in emain/Odins)

This isn't an arena server...if that was the goal simply take a few BG maps and make them availalbe for lvl50.

And the people that are constantly screaming about over-/underpopulation really need to take a break. Having 3realms with each having 3x% population is amazingly balanced. What do you people really expect? That all realms have the exact same number of players online with only 0,5%margin of error?
A overall advantage of 5%-points doesn't break the game at all, especially not since its a three-way-war
Fri 3 May 2019 9:58 AM by bigne88
Domination teleports are nice indeed as it is your idea. Maybe would be nice to implement a teleport connection between relic keeps and emain / odin's / hadrian keep usable only by the main territory faction. This might give more nuances to the keeptake BGs as well and would force some interaction between the smallmen and 8v8 playerbase and the keeptake playerbase.
Fri 3 May 2019 10:37 AM by Lillebror
What if you made the port system much like porting in NF

Alb, if you controll Renaris and Berk you can port to Berk same goes for Hurb and Surs
If Hurb or Renaris is taken it break port chance.

same for all 3 realms, you dont need a longer port than to Berk, Surs// Bolg, Behnn//Blend, Glenlock

It put you in center Zone and get broken if your closes keeps aint under controll.
Fri 3 May 2019 11:11 AM by Gosainkunda
Put ports to owned keeps already and drop the flags. Might even make people care about defending keeps.
Fri 3 May 2019 11:52 AM by gnefner
I like the idea!

I hate the fact that Hadrian/Odins are so hit and miss - and Emain is so very crowded at the same time... This could help distribute the playerbase around a bit.
Fri 3 May 2019 4:29 PM by qq6
Emain is the epicenter of action, and has always been. Even with tasks rotation, you now have albs/mids just porting there more than the actual task zone. I've asked for a hib port to behn or nged / same for other realms, but devs pretty much shut down that idea... Sorry i cant remember where the post was about porting to keeps, as it would just be emain > over other realms, literally making it a single box rvr zone.

When the task is in another realm (not hib), i like the idea of having a port closer to emain as a hib, distance seems fair for all realms then, but as before, why do we need other realms then?
Fri 3 May 2019 5:02 PM by keen
NF could be a nice idea.
Fri 3 May 2019 5:05 PM by cere2
New Frontiers please thanks.
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