There needs to be balance on this sever. Multiple patches are coming through that only favor albion regarding songs/chants. Minstrels now get a free pet with no skill/twisting involved, so they are allowed to spam flute mez with no downside. Now, paladins get a free endo chant. Meanwhile, bards/skalds/wardens have been ignored. Bards need to keep endo and speed up in a fight...they are forced to twist. Wardens have the same issue with dmg chant and pbt. Skalds are a bit easier because all the chants are instant.
Suggestion: Balance the game. Every class with songs/chants get 2 songs/chants at a time or revert it to just 1 at a time.
Suggestion: Balance the game. Every class with songs/chants get 2 songs/chants at a time or revert it to just 1 at a time.