song/chant balance

Started 21 Jun 2020
by Bry
in RvR
There needs to be balance on this sever. Multiple patches are coming through that only favor albion regarding songs/chants. Minstrels now get a free pet with no skill/twisting involved, so they are allowed to spam flute mez with no downside. Now, paladins get a free endo chant. Meanwhile, bards/skalds/wardens have been ignored. Bards need to keep endo and speed up in a fight...they are forced to twist. Wardens have the same issue with dmg chant and pbt. Skalds are a bit easier because all the chants are instant.

Suggestion: Balance the game. Every class with songs/chants get 2 songs/chants at a time or revert it to just 1 at a time.
Sun 21 Jun 2020 11:33 PM by Tyrlaan
You do realize nothing really changed regarding endo chant? All Paladins had endo chant up at all times before too, without a power cost.
Instead of just using endo in every twist sequence, you even have to activate it separately now.

Btw. Wardens can twist too. It only messes up their speed chant, everything else (including self endo) is instant and twistable.
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