I understand the realm timer was voted on, but these people flip flopping to multiple realms in a single day are using it to their advantage. No one should be able to rvr representing 2 realms in the same day let alone the same week. For example (hypothetically speaking) i play hib on regular basis. Mids are attacking us relentlessly and we cant stop them. I wait 4hrs i go play albion and use the community to help hibs def against mids because the hibs cant do it on their own. Another example you flip realms and you run with the bg. Its too easy and convenient that someone can literally slow down progress of any actions taken by any realm by placing a ram where you know its not usable what so ever and slows down the progress of the realm on sieges/retakes. On defense with 4 hour timer someone can go to a keep or multiple people and take control of oil/siege equipment with the intent of making sure no one can use on defense. I believe the 4hr timer has good intentions but its being abused at this point I feel. Also just the people who will log on a certain realm just to join a bg and relay information to the realm they consider themselves "(LOYAL)" too. Not complaining, just pointing out how its being abused.