Welcome. It's time to learn how to play DAoC with FPS control scheme. We will begin by teaching people Dark Souls 3 controls.
Open/Interact: E
Mouse Look: Shift+E, turn this on always. This is how we play Knight. Unfortunately the entire game can't be played with this on always, because development on this game is slow. And people haven't really taken to FPS control scheme yet.
Face: Q
Reset Camera: Shift+Q
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Two-Hand Weapon: F
Ranged Weapon: H
Longsword and Shield: Right Mouse
Attack: Left Mouse
Reply Chat: Shift+R
Pan Camera: R, hold this to look around behind while running, then shift+q to reset and scroll wheel to zoom back in.
Now you may play entirely like Dark Souls 3, using your character's neck as the crosshair, tab targetting combat yes but still incredibly fun. No more only using auto-stick to play like an AI, as now people can move on their own. There is some who hate the Phoenix god who claim that this is heretical and blasphemy, and others who say that there are still reasons to use it. Press E to select targets directly in front of your sword and spam Bone Splitter while chasing people. Now enjoy as you realize that decades of DAoC has been wasted on MMO control scheme and PvE builds as DAoC could have been more of an action game.
Open/Interact: E
Mouse Look: Shift+E, turn this on always. This is how we play Knight. Unfortunately the entire game can't be played with this on always, because development on this game is slow. And people haven't really taken to FPS control scheme yet.
Face: Q
Reset Camera: Shift+Q
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Two-Hand Weapon: F
Ranged Weapon: H
Longsword and Shield: Right Mouse
Attack: Left Mouse
Reply Chat: Shift+R
Pan Camera: R, hold this to look around behind while running, then shift+q to reset and scroll wheel to zoom back in.
Now you may play entirely like Dark Souls 3, using your character's neck as the crosshair, tab targetting combat yes but still incredibly fun. No more only using auto-stick to play like an AI, as now people can move on their own. There is some who hate the Phoenix god who claim that this is heretical and blasphemy, and others who say that there are still reasons to use it. Press E to select targets directly in front of your sword and spam Bone Splitter while chasing people. Now enjoy as you realize that decades of DAoC has been wasted on MMO control scheme and PvE builds as DAoC could have been more of an action game.