Is there a need for a Regular USA primetime Zerg leader for the different realms ?

Started 20 Feb 2019
by Natebruner
in RvR

I lead Albion bgs (on my Merc) on the live server and was curious if there was a need for a regular USA primetime zerg leader. I've noticed that Midgard has a lot of players so I've been open minded to do a different realm and start over.

I normally started around 6pm central each day. But the goal would be a consistent time for large scale RvR.

Natebruner 12L8 Zerk

Highdamage 12L2 Merc
Wed 20 Feb 2019 5:57 PM by unforgetable
Do it! Alb could definitely use some coordination to combat Vack (hi) on hib and the mass amount of mids on during US primetime!
Thu 21 Feb 2019 3:55 PM by Natebruner
Does anyone currently lead USA prime time albs?

I've only seen spam for Side PVE atm
Thu 21 Feb 2019 4:43 PM by hellcon
Anduin [Apex] leads fairly often. He also does PVE raids as well, which is one of the reasons why Albs aren't showing up consistently. No one thinks the feather gravy train will last, so are taking advantage of it while they can.
Thu 21 Feb 2019 5:35 PM by Anaethema
Hib has plenty of PvE leaders, but we are lacking zerg leaders for RvR during US play times.
Fri 22 Feb 2019 12:35 AM by Turtle006
Can't really hurt to have more, zerg leaders are prime candidates for burn out. Especially when people aggro border keep guards and wipe the zerg.
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