Camelot Attack!

Started 5 May 2019
by Salusa
in RvR
Earlier today , approx. 9.15 BST the main square in Camelot was an abattoir, some guy must have hacked in server side and killed everybody in the main square in Cammy then at APK. I have no idea if TNN and Jord were affected.

I was rezzed by Uhtred, then killed again, and following that there was a yellow spamming between an imposter Uhtred (name spelt wrong) and the perp (name began with "O".

The killings went on for several minutes as did the spam, then it all stopped abruptly, I assume a GM got the hacker.

So does anybody know exactly what went down?
Sun 5 May 2019 7:24 PM by majky666
It was a bug. Olvoran is one of bosses in Darkspire.
Sun 5 May 2019 7:27 PM by djegu
Do you have a boss in Caer Sidi that have a plague ? Because if someone catch the plague and then port to Camelot everybody will get affected. It happened to us in TNN a while back
Mon 6 May 2019 8:23 AM by Salusa
I can see a plague carrying traveller carrying the plague back to Camelot and then to APK, but what about the yellow spam in the incorrectly spelt name of Uhtred ( spelled Uhtreed)?
Mon 6 May 2019 8:27 AM by Uthred
Uthreed is one of my twinks.

And no one hacked into the "system". The same thing happened to Hibernia a month before. If we find people doing this on purpose they will get punished.
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