We raided the Caledonia keep tonight and there was no keep lord. I recruited a bunch of people to come, and I kinda feel like an ass. It's hard enough stopping for Thid. I for one will not go back. Offensive names are apparently a more pressing priority. [edit - Language]
lets just take a second to remember the devs do this all for free and in their own time, so i think comments like [edit - Language] are completely unwarranted and not welcomed.
Second, this happened the other night with rvr raid whilst we were taking keeps, the lord didnt spawn. We put in an appeal, and then contacted a dev on discord and it was fixed within 10 mins i.e. lord spawned. This was during my prime time, which im sure for the devs is like 2-3am, so i really didnt expect much.
I think maybe you didnt think to do these things but i dont know......
Even if you reported everything properly, it is possible that no one was around that could fix it. They are only human and have to sleep and have jobs, etc.