Best LOW RR archer and assassin ....

Started 8 Dec 2019
by gotwqqd
in RvR
I want to occasionally play these two archetypes.
But as it will be only occasionally I would like the best performer regardless of realm.

For Assassins the CS line will be low...likely Backstab 2 and it’s follow up and whatever extra points I have. Second hand spec will likely be 50 or maybe 44. Poison line will allow for the level 48 disease.

Given my wants with an assassin my first inkling is that infy will be the choice because of the >10% more points to spend.

And yes I want easy button.
Sun 8 Dec 2019 9:23 PM by Hypno
Thu 12 Dec 2019 12:33 PM by Forlornhope
NS seems to be the best performer, but honestly you'd probably be missing out not getting perf and at least its followup. Nine second stun is too good to give up, then you can still get comp 50 eve to get every poison you'd want. not to mention 39 blade's got an amazing attack speed debuff.
Thu 12 Dec 2019 8:30 PM by daytonchambers
A low RR archer is going to suck regardless of which you choose, especially with health levels being what they are now. At low RR and desiring an easy-button I'd agree that the inf will perform a bit better due to the extra points they get. Getting Creeping Death or Dragonfang is easy, getting purge 3+ to get rid of the stun is harder.

That being said you can hit RR3 with ease before you're even lv 50 and if you enjoy the playstyle you'll be kicking yourself later as Nightshades really start to bloom after RR4

Assuming a Nightshade at RR3 at level 50 for +13 to skills, you could go:
37 Stealth (comp 50)
39 Blades for ASR style and composite 52 mainhand for max defense penetration
28 Celtic Dual
39 Crit Strike for last style in perf chain
36 Envenom which gets you the disease you wanted, and you're then using Lifebane at RR4

Plus, for the OCD types this build leaves you with 0 points left over
Mon 16 Dec 2019 5:17 PM by Seb
Why do NS benefit more from higher RR compared to Infs and Sbs? I thought they all get the same RAs?
Mon 6 Jan 2020 3:13 AM by pollojack
Norse Hunter is prob the easiest at the moment both for templating and killing. Kite backwards while sprinting. If they don't doggo does dmg and you get range to snipe or let your swing timer reset. Spear styles use much less endo than dw so they may even run out. If you can, juke for a back stun but I find it usually isn't needed, a lot of work just to pop their purge. Rush IP3 after Purge 2 and you will be killing RR7-9 sins.

As mid you don't have to deal with BD/SM. You can snipe anis as you outrange their turrets. You can sick your pet on chanter pet to keep it from casting. Every caster you engage you force them to choose to CC you or your pet. As always if purge is down vs any non-sin melee you will likely die to positionals before stun wears off so consider purge 3. The backwards kiting works wonders on necros too, you will have to burn HoL and heal pot every time you engage them but they are a guaranteed kill unless they have like MoC 4 or 5 most don't even run with the QC reset RA.

The absolute easiest would be minst. Don't even need a template really, grab a red/purp pet and do-si-do. You can even join one of the many alb groups running two to five minsts with red pets. Your pet will hit harder than any main tank, less than a reaver but the reaver will hit faster than the pets.

Seb wrote: ↑
Mon 16 Dec 2019 5:17 PM
Why do NS benefit more from higher RR compared to Infs and Sbs? I thought they all get the same RAs?

The more points is less useful at higher RR when you are dropping env and stealth to comp 50 and wep to comp 52. You already have more skill points so the gains are less significant. NS will end up with roughly the same lvl of offhand while having their DD and castable DD. SB gets a huge dmg buff every RR assuming they are dropping to the composites.
Mon 6 Jan 2020 8:07 PM by inoeth
pollojack wrote: ↑
Mon 6 Jan 2020 3:13 AM
Norse Hunter is prob the easiest at the moment both for templating and killing. Kite backwards while sprinting. If they don't doggo does dmg and you get range to snipe or let your swing timer reset. Spear styles use much less endo than dw so they may even run out. If you can, juke for a back stun but I find it usually isn't needed, a lot of work just to pop their purge. Rush IP3 after Purge 2 and you will be killing RR7-9 sins.

As mid you don't have to deal with BD/SM. You can snipe anis as you outrange their turrets. You can sick your pet on chanter pet to keep it from casting. Every caster you engage you force them to choose to CC you or your pet. As always if purge is down vs any non-sin melee you will likely die to positionals before stun wears off so consider purge 3. The backwards kiting works wonders on necros too, you will have to burn HoL and heal pot every time you engage them but they are a guaranteed kill unless they have like MoC 4 or 5 most don't even run with the QC reset RA.

The absolute easiest would be minst. Don't even need a template really, grab a red/purp pet and do-si-do. You can even join one of the many alb groups running two to five minsts with red pets. Your pet will hit harder than any main tank, less than a reaver but the reaver will hit faster than the pets.

Seb wrote: ↑
Mon 16 Dec 2019 5:17 PM
Why do NS benefit more from higher RR compared to Infs and Sbs? I thought they all get the same RAs?

The more points is less useful at higher RR when you are dropping env and stealth to comp 50 and wep to comp 52. You already have more skill points so the gains are less significant. NS will end up with roughly the same lvl of offhand while having their DD and castable DD. SB gets a huge dmg buff every RR assuming they are dropping to the composites.

agree 99% --> correction: its eye patch dwarf hunter
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