How good are Hunters currently, compared to Archers of other realms, given that we compare those 3 classes in very skilled hands for the sake of objectivity.
My perception is, that the at least Hib and Alb archers are somewhat balanced. But I can be totally off here, since I only encounter Scouts and Rangers as an assassin (and rangers being a bit tougher to knock over, if they achieved rr6 or higher, while RR doesn’t matter much with scouts in my experience)
So if I ask you to rank Archers on their effectiveness and power level currently, where would you put Hunters and why?
Please explain why you think what you think, as this is more important for me than saying they are OP or Gimp
Thank you.
My perception is, that the at least Hib and Alb archers are somewhat balanced. But I can be totally off here, since I only encounter Scouts and Rangers as an assassin (and rangers being a bit tougher to knock over, if they achieved rr6 or higher, while RR doesn’t matter much with scouts in my experience)
So if I ask you to rank Archers on their effectiveness and power level currently, where would you put Hunters and why?
Please explain why you think what you think, as this is more important for me than saying they are OP or Gimp
Thank you.