"Help, I need to know how to get to 50 fast?" YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, MIDGARD!

Started 5 May 2019
by TsunamiSurprise
in PvE
Well folks,

I made a spreadsheet which took me longer than I care to admit. It compiled all the data in the wiki, and simplified a lot of it. It also was made more newbie friendly by telling people how to actually get to the item.

http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=09842655576080735129 - spreadsheet
https://www.scribd.com/document/408711265/Midgard-Task-Item-Spreadsheet - pdf (for those of you that hate excel)

Just in case you don't know much about spreadsheets, I also made a video about it:
https://youtu.be/Ty6RJ_yYdJA **Sorry for my mic cutting in and out.

This is going to help with leveling and planning out your levels.

Sorry I didn't do it for alb/hib. I also only included 1 location per item. I am aware this means I omitted some camps, and my camp might not be ideal. Maybe a work in progress, but I found it more helpful than the wiki.

Lemme know what you think!
Mon 6 May 2019 12:31 PM by Seigmoraig
Good job making that!
Qurious as to what have you added to yours that makes it different from the list that was already available on the realm forums ?
There is one such spreadsheet for each realm already on the forums. Also the Wiki has these lists



Alb (needs a bit of digging to get to the spreadsheet)
Mon 6 May 2019 12:47 PM by TsunamiSurprise
Mine tells you where you have to port to, and gives you directions on how to get to the item faster.

Kinda more noob friendly (or if youre new to a realm)
Mon 6 May 2019 12:55 PM by Seigmoraig
Great that is helpful I am currently playing hib as an almost first timer and I have to screw around with the maps a lot to find where the zones are and what horse to take

Also might I suggest a public Google Docs for the spreadsheet ? It avoids having to download the file and having spreadhseet software on the computer !
Mon 6 May 2019 10:58 PM by TsunamiSurprise
I did consider making it a Google Doc- but opted for the excel for some reason. Probably wouldn't be much more to do than copy and paste to a new spreadsheet- so I'll let you be the savior of the community if you so choose!
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