Honnestly, best current leader is Lurida, because he doesn't take money and main drop, and his raids are fast and well lead. I was druid in his very first one and he made a few mistakes in building his main we couldn't compensate for, we lost a bit of time on the first primal but even so, it was much faster than randomleader and other people's ones.
Kloog was a decent leader helped a lot by the huge numbers his raids had, when it felt down because of the loss of population on hibernia, they quickly became slower and he wasn't t able to correct it.
Plus he has been spoiling hibernia for a lot of months of a huge majority of its main HL rogs and often took all of the money. He was an ok leader, not the best. Anyway that time is over now. DD could even leave Phoenix soon, or at least hibernia, I wouldn't be surprised, server's flaws are quickly killing it, so SI raids do not really matter.
Made a few TG/Legion raids lead by Ein (even been shield in his grp) and must say they were smooth, quick and efficient. He is a good and fair leader, which takes from his time to help his realm and for that, he earned all my respect. Wish he'd play AU/Asia time, would help us a lot as we didn't see a raid since months during daytime. Went also to Cercei's TG raids before, but the last i saw were always happening while sleeping sadly.