How do Healer types make plat?

Started 10 Mar 2019
by Tiffy31
in PvE
Mid seems to have the only Healer/Support that can actually farm plats cause Shaman can always respec Cave and then make more than every other class besides maybe Necros. I know at some point Friars become a solo PvE god but thats not really until after this patch when they get their styles that proc all that healing, so no idea how they are without those. So how exactly do Bards, Clerics, ect make plat to buy stuff like Pots, Houses, Template Items, fund Alts?
Sun 10 Mar 2019 9:13 PM by Sepplord
Just like they Exp and RVR, they join groups
Mon 11 Mar 2019 4:31 PM by Bobbahunter
Most I know have alts to farm.
Tue 12 Mar 2019 10:38 PM by Frieza
a lvl 50 cabbie will always take a 50 cleric to farm as they can do over 2x the mobs which means more salvage,
Tue 19 Mar 2019 6:43 PM by dekayius
Bard can confuse a mob for 1 min. If that mob has not yet entered combat with anyone, there's a chance it will just stand there and allow the bard to beat on it. This works better if the mob is neutral. If the mobs are aggro, other aggro mobs around it may decide to kill the traitor, and beat it into the dirt. XP and coin are awarded based on the amount of damage done to the target, so if you let the mobs around it kill it w/o doing any damage then you won't receive a reward.
Tue 19 Mar 2019 7:34 PM by Fayynne
If you're on alb talk to a cabby or necro and start a salvage farm group.
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