High Level PVE Mechanics clarification

Started 2 Dec 2018
by Dimir
in PvE
From the wiki:
High Level PvE Mechanic / Feather Monsters
– All high level monsters and named monsters, the would give Phoenix Feathers will have a HP-Pool.
– Attacker count mechanic no longer has any effect.
– Miss, spell resist, taken melee damage and taken spell damage work as if it were a level 50 monster.
– Monsters take normal damage and will set their HP accordingly to the incoming damage.

Can someone explain what this means in practice? It sounds like you won't need a ton of attackers to increase hit chance and damage done to high level mobs, which sounds good, but I don't really understand how this HP-Pool is different than regular hit points.
Sun 2 Dec 2018 4:44 PM by gruenesschaf
Normally high level mobs don't exactly have more hp than you'd "expect", the reason they take super long is because you need a certain attacker count to hit reliably and to do more damage and to hit with spells at all. All that combined means theurgists / animists trivialize all those encounter and without that / with too few attackers you have to staff down the mobs as caster.

We decided to change all that for "bosses", if you attack them they act as level 50 mobs, that means if you're buffed and got good equipment you'll usually hit for close to your cap damage and you're a lot less likely to see resists / misses. Obviously that means you're doing a lot more dps and since we still want those fight to last longer than a couple seconds the mobs have a lot more hp, like really a lot. This also gets rid of 2 people farming those mobs with pet pull as it's just not realistically feasible to do that much damage in a reasonable amount of time.

As an example, where a mob would have 4k hp and get hit for 1 - 5ish damage they now have 300 - 500k hp but you hit for close to cap. The end result is that as long as you survive the mechanics you can reasonably do these mobs with as few people as you want and it's only as much slower as you have fewer people, ie if you have 100 people doing 200 dps and it takes 5 minutes to kill, doing the same mob with 50 people would take 10 minutes. With the normal system 100 people could take 5 seconds and 50 people could take 30 minutes due to the way attacker count influences everything.
Sun 2 Dec 2018 4:55 PM by Dimir
Thanks for the explanation gruenesschaf, sounds good!
Fri 11 Jan 2019 7:06 PM by Snorki
Does this mean it acts as a level 50 mob for block, evade, and parry rates as well? As in if I have 60% block rate will that apply to even a level 70 mob?

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