Anyone able to do a Galladoria run this Sunday. I work weekends and have missed all the runs. This Sunday is my only weekend day off. Several people in our guild Dominion need all the quest.
Now that it's 2x feathers I believe Seolan has been running a couple.
I tried to get one done in NA evening a couple days ago and we simply did not have enough people to complete it. Frankly I'm amazed we managed to down Easmarach and a lot of the other sub-bosses with so few people (as little as 24 when we wiped on Olc)
Unfortunately for me this bonus week is hitting right while I'm getting a new business started so I cant tank it as much as I would like to. Priorities.
Would really like something this Sunday also, as well as Thursday night (US Time) if possible. Those are the only days I am available to make it, sadly. I don't mind leading one, but I haven't done so since Live... still, how hard can it be?