What do others healers think of MOC?

Started 30 Jan 2019
by Roto23
in Midgard
Its expensive, but what about just the first level of it to help win the Interrupt war. You could get the first level which is 25% and use ae amnesia to interrupt their back field. I am assuming the 25% has no effect on interrupts like amnesia. The 25% only comes into play on duration CC spells and your heals will suck for 15 seconds.
Wed 30 Jan 2019 4:06 PM by Sei
Its efficieny is Really dependant on your play style and really not worth it untill high rank (7l+ ? ) For pac at least.

I use to think moc is extremely powerful on pac but actually it is not that much because players are not that potatoes that you will just strike mezz with 2cast, but they ll be properly positionned, will demezz, will purge, will deter

While you likely to be badly positionned while mocing.
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