Thane, Runemaster or Bonedancer?

Started 14 Jan 2019
by Dwanex
in Midgard
Hey, after starting in Hib I realy started missing midgard (my home for over 10 years) way to much and start thinking about restarting in Mid as long as the server is still "fresh"

I know that all 3 classes im thinking about are not the normal "we instantly want you in grp for rvr" but these three are the only classes I never played in RvR on live after all these years.

With all the changes made here is there a class of ouf this 3 that prolly will find more and faster PvE (i hate leveling solo) and RvR groups? I guess Runemaster will be the most answer but are Thane and Bonedancer that much worse and unwanted atm?

Would be nice to get some help and maybe some spec advices
Mon 14 Jan 2019 1:14 AM by Afuldan
I was running in an 8-man for leveling, we had each of one of those classes and a SB. Due to the unique class xp bonus, it is better to fill a group with 8 different classes while leveling. At least to me, it made sence to max out the XP bonus we got.

Plus single shammy healing 5-6 mob pulls is hilarious. With tinderboxes you hardly have downtime if you are chaining reds.
Mon 14 Jan 2019 10:06 PM by Sarrath
RM is the most group friendly. RC or Dark til 26, then free respec to PBT and you can sleep to 50 if you have a group that will let you stay.

Though I have to recommend Thane since that is my first toon here. Dropping hammers on an unaware enemy group XPing in the frontier is like dinning in Valhalla
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