Thane last patch notes - debuff procc

Started 19 Jul 2019
by Dunga
in Midgard

2019-7-16 Tuesday Patch Notes:
thane energy debuff proc now takes stormcalling spec into account (should result in delve * 1.25 instead of delve * 0.75 being used)

Does anyone know what that means?
or differently asked.... what are the effects?

the lvl47 procc has a value of 24% and a chance of 15% to procc. bevor the patch it was 24*0,75=18% debuff, now 24*1,25=30%?
or the chance to procc? old 11,25%, new 18,75%?
or both?
and what means "takes stormcalling spec into account"? is there a diffrence for the procc now(?) if i had only 47 in stormcalling instead of ,lets say, 50+11+RR?

i dont get it
Fri 19 Jul 2019 5:57 AM by ExcretusMaximus
All buffs here have a bonus .25% effectiveness above their delve level if your composite spec of whatever the line the buff is in is one point or more over the level of the spell. As long as you have 1 Stormcalling more than the level of the debuff, it's actual value will be 30% instead of the listed 24%.
Fri 19 Jul 2019 7:00 AM by Sepplord
Question is basically answered, just want to add for anyone confused about why this works like it does:

This is mainly for classes that get buffs baseline (shaman,healer,friar,cleric,bard, idea if i forgot one)

These baseline buffs scale with buffspecc

On a class like Thane, who only gets his buffs if he speccs for them this system doesn't make sense intuitively but it just follows the same "buffing" system of scaling with Buffspecc. Apparently that was borked for thane and got fixed now
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