EU BG leaders Runen, Johnny, Ellessar, Nordia etc...
Everyone has a bunch of L50 alts now. I think when Albs and Hibs come at us 100+ each (against 50 of us) before they are deep into Mid could tell everyone:
BC/Region: Everyone log on an alt port to Fensa and camp them in the oil room you have 5 min.
BC/Region: Ok now everyone log on a 2nd alt port to Arv and camp them in the oil room you have 5 min.
BC/Region: Ok everyone log on main and we go roam and defend.
Now if they play games switching keeps everyone can just log their alts and we don't have to play as many port breaking games. It would only take a bout 10min to setup and you have instant defense at 2 places and possibly 3 if the main roaming defense set defends somewhere like Glen, can camp and log over to alts in Fensa etc if enemy switch keep target.
Everyone has a bunch of L50 alts now. I think when Albs and Hibs come at us 100+ each (against 50 of us) before they are deep into Mid could tell everyone:
BC/Region: Everyone log on an alt port to Fensa and camp them in the oil room you have 5 min.
BC/Region: Ok now everyone log on a 2nd alt port to Arv and camp them in the oil room you have 5 min.
BC/Region: Ok everyone log on main and we go roam and defend.
Now if they play games switching keeps everyone can just log their alts and we don't have to play as many port breaking games. It would only take a bout 10min to setup and you have instant defense at 2 places and possibly 3 if the main roaming defense set defends somewhere like Glen, can camp and log over to alts in Fensa etc if enemy switch keep target.