Making Gold

Started 25 Feb 2019
by Drachal
in Midgard
Any decent spots 1-40 (highest) is 40 to make some gold?
Tue 26 Feb 2019 8:07 AM by dudis
Not really, you basically have two options.

1) Hunt level 20-40 XP items and sell stacks of them, should be good money but might be hard to sell unless you already own a house.

2) Just kill stuff that are weak to your damage type and sell anything that drops

Why do you need the gold on level 40 though?
Tue 26 Feb 2019 8:30 PM by Drachal
Saving for a house / maybe start up alchemy
Tue 26 Feb 2019 9:58 PM by DinoTriz
Level up your Salvaging abilities.

Getting all secondary crafting skills past 1100 is probably around 700g - 1p investment.

Considering around an hour of farming and salvaging drops typically nets you around 1p (on a melee character) at level 50, it pretty much pays for itself.

The ROI at 40 will be lower of course, but it's still probably a good idea. The Crafting forum has a Stickied guide for leveling Salvaging as well.
Tue 26 Feb 2019 10:27 PM by Leandrys
Honnestly, you can be 1100+ in every secondaries for a bit more gold than 100, just need to up an useless one (for salvaging) to 250-280 approx, like SC or alchemy, then up everyv secondaries more or less close to that level. Now you can just push every main skills to 300 approx, and you're good to go.

i've upped my first salvager for 500 gold, second one for 180, tried for the beauty of science to up a third one and dropped the cost to 130 gold approx. Free farm garanteed once your first toon reach that amount.

Economy will quickly be destroyed on Phoenix.
Wed 27 Feb 2019 10:48 AM by Sepplord
keep levelling and farm when you are 50, farming at 40 will overall slow down your money gain AND your levelling
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