Personally, think you should make your template weaponless. You also need to learn when to switch from Dragonfang to Paw in mainhand depending on what you are fighting and just leave a Dragonfang in offhand.
I made a weaponless template with 5 crafted, TG Vest, SI Neck and Jewel and no jewelry over 55 utility. I would have used the SI Bracer, but I missed the click and got a shit ring instead..... that leaves me with everything capped including parry. You will need to take the time to enter items into the SC program you use and pick ROG stuff that will suit the item slot you need. It's a bit tedious but completely worth it in the end.
Different armor types are weaker to certain damage types.
I think you're basically always diseased in this game in a group setting so Ablatives are great since they don't care or you can go 50/50 heal and ablative.