About another week later: New commands will be added to facilitate gold trade between realms Gold trades between realms using other methods will be forbidden
just to clarify: gruenes has posted in a similar thread that the measure they are implementing will be something to manage the gold-trading between two people on different realms. Never will money actually be transferred from one realm to another. You will still need someone on the other realm that is willing to trade.
Aka (but this is just my own interpretation and could be completely wrong): both players use a command to start the trading process with the others account, and then deposit the money in some kind of lockbox on their realm. When they log onto the other realm they will have access to what the other person deposited. or something along those lines.
There will not be an NPC where you can transfer your Hib-money to midgard/albion via some conversion
I think it’s just put money in and request from other realm You may need multiple people other side to fill your request Nice system except for having an exchange rate I see no reason for it