Valewalker style review changes - will you change your spec?

Started 28 May 2021
by borodino1812
in Hibernia
I made a VW just a couple of days ago, and it has been an enjoyable (pve) experience. The class is not as mindnumbing to solo as my three previous ones (merc, zerker and bm).

With the style review coming up, and the 50 Scythe style becoming a 2nd in a front chain. Will you consider changing your spec?
Fri 28 May 2021 4:43 PM by Takeahnase
Anyone who is not running 50 scythe, after these new style changes are in, is doing it wrong.
Fri 28 May 2021 5:50 PM by SgtGator
the changes you can see now are very likely to change again this weekend. I'm betting a lot of the OPish things you see will be corrected.

Re: Style Overhaul Attempt 2

The actual implementation will be delayed by a bit. Updates to the styles will be published on the weekend, either as an update to the styles charplanner or some page specifically made for the styles.

Among other things the next style preview will include some changes to reactive requirements to better fit the classes and their lack of certain defensives, reshuffle some attack debuff values and either make the thane lines more similar to the warrior one or add a handful of dd procs (as was originally intended for a later iteration after going live), infi dual shadows will also have the reduced bleed effect again.
Fri 28 May 2021 7:10 PM by gotwqqd
Is the chain which includes 50 style worth it?
The damage is lower on both chain parts than the anytime
In addition the tohit is lower.
Does the DD damage after misses and resist reduction make up for the lower dps?
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