Hero question

Started 19 Jan 2019
by Quik
in Hibernia
So I am always seeing the debate about whether Luri is better blockbot hands down than any other race.

I thought I remember reading somewhere that a Firby/Celt will still hit cap or almost cap for blocking so the Luri really gains minimal, but the dmg output of a Luri will always lag behind.

If I wanted a shield hero mainly for PvE which would be better or would they be about the same?

Also If I did go Luri would I want 34 Piercing for the best anytime in piercing, or 39 piercing for a little better variance and the 2nd side attack?

I was debating between:

39 Piercing
50 Shield
42 Parry

39 Blades
50 Shield
42 Parry

Now either way is 50 shield a very big difference over 42? Is 42 parry going to be worth much?

I know a lot of people go 50 LW instead of parry, but I have recently been diagnosed with ALS and I have issues with quickly hitting keys to switch weapons so I need something that lets me enjoy the game and still be viable.

I am not into min/maxing everything, but I hate playing something that will end up being gimped or just not sought after much.

Any opinions on simple builds and differences are greatly appreciated.

One last question, how does a Hero compare to Warrior? I played Warrior a lot before and thought Hero would be a similar choice.
Sat 19 Jan 2019 9:53 AM by Frigzy
This could 'work' depending on what you aim to do. If you plan on being a PvE tankbot, this is definitely not a bad spec.

However, if you aim to do RvR, you will be heavily frowned upon for not being able to dish out any considerable damage.
Thu 24 Jan 2019 12:22 AM by Smilo
Quik wrote:
Sat 19 Jan 2019 12:07 AM
One last question, how does a Hero compare to Warrior? I played Warrior a lot before and thought Hero would be a similar choice.

They're pretty much the same, but warriors can use a 2h without speccing it and can easily go 50 weapon 50 shield. And they are much cooler.

I like the 50 shield 39 piercing 42 parry Lurikeen idea: well buffed it should be almost impossible to hit, and it can work as a slam bot in rvr.

Or just play a zerk: nobody will ever complain because you aren't switching between 2h and 1h/shield.
Thu 24 Jan 2019 7:16 AM by Koljar
Quik wrote:
Sat 19 Jan 2019 12:07 AM
So I am always seeing the debate about whether Luri is better blockbot hands down than any other race.

If you're just asking for a race (not a realm) you forgot the saracen reaver (blocking multiples) and the saracen scout (vs single opponents). These are the race/class combos that reach the highest dex values in combination with a speccable shield (scout is limited to small while reaver can go large (higher caps vs. more enemies)).

IIRC: In Hib the only race/class combo with a speccable shield with more dex than your planned luri would be an elf bm (which is limited to medium shields tho). But that would be only 3 extra dex so...

Chars going for max blockage are not really rvr viable imho.

But there is nothing more stylish than a luri going moose and doing the spear backflip
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