Hi all,
I'd be grateful for any advice on taking my fresh 50 animist forwards. This is my first 50 in DAOC ever, and I'd like to both RvR and PvE with the same character if that's feasible.
My uncertainty arises from what spec I should be in the short term.
I think I need to do the following to progress my character:
a) Get the BP as part of a template - this requires attending / contributing to Galla raids? From the guides I've read on these raids it seems that animists would be expected to be verdant?
b) Acquire ROGs for the rest of my template - this seems to be best done through PvE groups like Fins - again suspect verdant animists almost mandatory for this?
c) Farm up cash - often I have been doing this solo due to IRL commitments - arb or creep seems to work well here - verdant not nearly so effecient solo
d) Acquire RAs like MCL and serentiy to help with the above - it seems arb > creep > verdant for RvR?
I've ready many threads and I note there is a split spec that is achievable with a higher RR and with a template, but I'm really looking for a steer for a fresh 50 if possible. My conclusion so far is that I really need to chose between a) group PvE b) solo PvE or c) RvR because there is no spec that is effective for a low RR animist for all three?
I'd be grateful for any advice on taking my fresh 50 animist forwards. This is my first 50 in DAOC ever, and I'd like to both RvR and PvE with the same character if that's feasible.
My uncertainty arises from what spec I should be in the short term.
I think I need to do the following to progress my character:
a) Get the BP as part of a template - this requires attending / contributing to Galla raids? From the guides I've read on these raids it seems that animists would be expected to be verdant?
b) Acquire ROGs for the rest of my template - this seems to be best done through PvE groups like Fins - again suspect verdant animists almost mandatory for this?
c) Farm up cash - often I have been doing this solo due to IRL commitments - arb or creep seems to work well here - verdant not nearly so effecient solo
d) Acquire RAs like MCL and serentiy to help with the above - it seems arb > creep > verdant for RvR?
I've ready many threads and I note there is a split spec that is achievable with a higher RR and with a template, but I'm really looking for a steer for a fresh 50 if possible. My conclusion so far is that I really need to chose between a) group PvE b) solo PvE or c) RvR because there is no spec that is effective for a low RR animist for all three?