BM procs?

Started 11 Feb 2019
by nerex
in Hibernia
Hello all,

I'm about to finish the TP for my BM and I was wondering about what procs use on the 2 weapons and on the shild (42 shield spec). What would you suggest to put on MH, LH and on the shield? RvR type of gameplay: 8v8 and smallmen when possible.

On the armor I'm using the Galladoria chest (180 heal proc) and planning to put epic heal procs (150) on the rest of them.

What would you use and why?
Mon 11 Feb 2019 2:28 PM by faliv
dd-proccs (personally i prefer heat, enchdebuff and no buffed resis on albs most of the time)

Why? Beacause dot proccs are a no go in grprvr and there is nothing else.
Mon 11 Feb 2019 2:30 PM by Afuldan
Heal procs on every piece? Most do 3 heal and 3 ablative.
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