43 Nurture 47 Music Rest Regrowth (or Blades if you want side snare) ((I believe it's 12 in Blades)) <-- The 12 Blades is prob > than Regrowth if you're really looking to min max btw the side snare will do more than the few points in regrowth you have at this point.
43 Nurture 37 Music 33 Regrowth Rest Blades
The 47 Music one is technically better at low RRs but it's not as versatile.. it's mostly a 8 man/zerg Bard RvR spec. If you would like to PvE/Small Man (4 and under) I'd suggest going for 43 37 33 x. If you're going strictly for 8 man+ then def go for 47 Music since the reason why it's worth to go more than 37 Music in the first place is not really the purple mezz but more for the 300 radius AOE insta mezz that you get from the 47. (It doubles the radius basically which is huge).