Been quite some discussion in PVE groups about this and most people say they have done testing and what not showing that ALL BUFFS contribute to damage reduction for the verdant pet. This is not true!
The AMOUNT of buffs on the pet does NOT matter. What matters is how much of each stat the pet gets. F.ex If the pet gets 20 Dex buff or 60 Dex buff, the dmg reduction will be different.
If you MAX out all buffs needed for the pet you will get roughly 75% Damage reduction for the pet or even higher with some MoArcane.
So to make a tough Ani pet (or any pet?) you should have the strongest buffs on it by the ones who actually affects it. F.ex a Druid with MoArcane 9 Would make the pet up to 100% Stronger (in theory). I dont know how stat-cap works for the pets
Here is a quick roughly guide as how much damage reduce the pet will get from different buffs (on level 50)
Dex: 8% Dmg reduce
Con 8% Dmg reduce (Dex and Con probably giving less because they delve 10 less than AF and Specbuffs)
AF: 10% Dmg reduce
Str/Con: 10% Dmg reduce
Dex/Qui: 10% Dmg reduce
Animist Bladeturn bomber: Same as on players
Animist Ablative shroom: Same as on players
Animist Short Absorb: 25% As delve states
Animist Long Absorb: 9% As delve states (However Absorbs do not stack, you cannot get 25+9% Absorb)
What buffs are useless as of melee damage reduction...
Animist resist shrooms: 0%
Druid/Warden Resists: 0%
Druid Haste: 0%
Druid Acuity: 0%
Base STR 0%
Bard Spec-AF: 0%
Video Link to the actual tests:
The AMOUNT of buffs on the pet does NOT matter. What matters is how much of each stat the pet gets. F.ex If the pet gets 20 Dex buff or 60 Dex buff, the dmg reduction will be different.
If you MAX out all buffs needed for the pet you will get roughly 75% Damage reduction for the pet or even higher with some MoArcane.
So to make a tough Ani pet (or any pet?) you should have the strongest buffs on it by the ones who actually affects it. F.ex a Druid with MoArcane 9 Would make the pet up to 100% Stronger (in theory). I dont know how stat-cap works for the pets
Here is a quick roughly guide as how much damage reduce the pet will get from different buffs (on level 50)
Dex: 8% Dmg reduce
Con 8% Dmg reduce (Dex and Con probably giving less because they delve 10 less than AF and Specbuffs)
AF: 10% Dmg reduce
Str/Con: 10% Dmg reduce
Dex/Qui: 10% Dmg reduce
Animist Bladeturn bomber: Same as on players
Animist Ablative shroom: Same as on players
Animist Short Absorb: 25% As delve states
Animist Long Absorb: 9% As delve states (However Absorbs do not stack, you cannot get 25+9% Absorb)
What buffs are useless as of melee damage reduction...
Animist resist shrooms: 0%
Druid/Warden Resists: 0%
Druid Haste: 0%
Druid Acuity: 0%
Base STR 0%
Bard Spec-AF: 0%
Video Link to the actual tests: